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Word of God

“In modern Christian discourse, the phrases “the Word of God” and “the Word of the Lord” are commonly used to refer to the Scriptures. However, in the Scriptures themselves, these phrases are never straightforwardly used this way. Other than a handful of debatable instances, the hundreds of times these terms appear in Scripture unambiguously refer to something, or rather, someone, else. The Scriptures, in contrast, are referred to as “that which is written,” from which the word scripture derives.” (Fr. Stephen De Young)

“While in common parlance, “the word of God” is thought to refer to the Bible, the written Scriptures, in traditional Christian theology Christ is the Word of God who became incarnate for our salvation. Thus, the Word of God is a “Who” rather than a “what”. While it is not incorrect to think of the Bible as the Word of God, it is far more correct to think of the Word of God as the God-man Jesus Christ – the Scripture bears witness to Him (John 5:39). St John at the beginning of his Gospel is clear that it is the Word of God who becomes flesh in Jesus Christ (John 1:1-17).” (Fr. Ted Bobosh)

“The importance of the body is, again, correlated to the Incarnation: it is because the Word Himself has taken a body, dwelling in it and expressing Himself through it, that we are to focus our lives in our body, with the corollary that this also demands the appropriate behavior in and for the body…The body is our means of knowing the Word of God, for He has revealed Himself in and through a body. In doing so, the Word of God, the crucified and exalted Jesus Christ, has also demonstrated a way of being embodied, being human, towards which we must strive to become human ourselves. As such, the body is of prime importance in the spiritual struggle and is ultimately itself the “handiwork” fashioned by God in and through the struggle, and so, that in which God is glorified.” (Fr. John Behr)

“We may think that we can hide the disposition of our hearts for a time. But we cannot conceal anything from the Lord. The Lord said to the prophet Samuel, “Man looks at their outward appearance, but the Lord looks into the heart (1 Samuel 16:17). Similarly, the apostle writes, “There is no creature hidden from His [the Word’s] sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account…We cannot hide anything from the Word of God who is both Savior and Judge. His sight pierces into the most hidden recesses of our souls. ” (Hebrews 4:13).” (Fr. Basil) 

“… theology is not a collection of ideas, much less a collection of unconnected ideas. Theology is a reflection on what is true, and a reflection on what is true in the light of what has been made known to us in the God/Man Jesus Christ. Because it is true, theology is not many things, but one thing…theology proper begins and ends with the contemplation of the crucified and exalted Christ—the one Lord Jesus Christ, the very Word of God…the disciples did not fully understand who Christ is through their human contact with Him. To ignore this point would ultimately reduce the Word of God to an object of physical perception, and theology to another human science….Theology begins, rather, with the opening of the scriptures by the risen Lord…theology always speaks in the light of the risen Christ, a light which illumines and transfigures all of creation and its history…” (Father Stephen Freeman, Fr. John Behr)



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