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“The human being of today, particularly the one who lives in the most economically and culturally developed areas of the world, faces a detrimental enemy, namely, the lack of meaning of life. The abundance of material goods does not fill the heart of today’s human being with the type of assurance which nests within the poor but faithful man’s heart. Therefore, the meaning of faith, which is opportunely projected by the name of this exhibit, constitutes a great need for all. Moreover, the material power that one finds in excess in today’s world cannot substitute for the lack of faith. The only true power is spiritual power, and true faith is its only supporter.” (Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew)

“Faith is our trust in God. Faith is our trust that He watches over us and has a plan for us: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV).  Living with the uncertainty of daily life requires faith. Uncertainty also invites doubt. But doubt does not indicate a lack of faith. As theologian and philosopher Paul Tillich has written, “Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is one element of faith.” Doubt is a part of our journey of faith, but we need to face our doubt honestly and directly. Faith is often accompanied by struggle as we search for the truth. Doubt instills humility. Doubt motivates us to learn and to grow. In spite of his doubt, the Apostle Thomas remained open to the truth of the Resurrection. When he saw the Risen Christ, he immediately believed and became a great apostle of the faith. His doubt led him to a greater faith.” (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese)

“After the Lord finishes instructing the people, He says to St. Peter: “Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” That is to say, He tells him to do something which appears to be a waste of time, to be pointless and difficult labor with no expectation of any meaningful benefit, for St. Peter had already toiled all the night long but caught nothing. How well this describes the way in which so many of us view the Christian life! We hear the commandments of the Lord, but we do not understand them. We look on them only as labor and toil, and in our state of faithlessness and unbelief we in no way perceive the grace and benefactions stored up within each and every one of them without exception. But in St. Peter’s obedience to this commandment of Christ we can learn three very important lessons which have the power to help us, by God’s grace, to overcome our spiritual blindness and hardness of heart.” (Hieromonk Gabriel)

“The Lord’s antidote for lack of faith is remembrance, for He says to the disciples, “Remember the five loaves” (Matthew 6:9). The word Christ uses for remember refers not simply to memory, but to a life lived intimately in Him. We are to be in touch with Him as He feeds the thousands, gives sight to the blind, heals the lame, and raises the dead. The Gospels are not pleasant stories meant to delight us, but opportunities for reshaping our hearts and minds in every circumstance of this present, limited life.” (Dynamis 7/28/2020)

“I think in our ministry to others, love is sufficient for the miraculous, for God to take care of the rest, to raise the dead.  When we lack faith and hope, when those we try to help lack faith and hope, when the stone is sealed and there seems to be nothing but death inside, love is enough.  It’s the offering of the Myrrh Bearers, the widow’s mite, the extra mile, the turned cheek, the mustard seed, the bit of extra oil for our lamps.  Love is enough for God to reveal His resurrectional power, to raise the dead.  Even when we can’t believe, love enough.  God does the rest.” (Fr. Michael Gillis)



Quote of the Day


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