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“...unredeemed humanity craves to do what is forbidden…Sometimes temptation surprises us with a sudden and unexpected assault. At other times, temptation comes upon us so gradually that we hardly notice it at first. In the beginning, the enticement to sin carries us along gently as a hint of desire. But then that passion propels us along more swiftly until we find ourselves in the raging currents of craving.” (Orthodox Study Bible, Romans 7:7-12, Fr. Basil)

“…all too few arrive at bliss. We are let to believe the prevailing assumptions underlying our culture that the purpose of life is to consume, indeed it is the mark of a good citizen, because the economy depends on buying what one does not really need and may never use. It’s the patriotic thing to do. Besides, it gives credence to the myth that one can pursue and eventually overtake happiness with money, as in the caustic remark that the one who dies with the most toys wins. The label “consumer” doesn’t offend us. If that is our belief, life will be little more than getting and spending, exalting then trashing even more idols from the areas of entertainment and athletics to feed the insatiable cravings of an empty life. If this describes who you are, then bliss is not for you. Be content with the pursuit of happiness, even though it continually eludes you.” (Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky)

“A driving thirst for God is our starting point. Such thirst comes to all of us naturally, but because we are fallen and sick, we easily confuse our thirst for God with fleshly or psychological cravings. The Church Fathers speak of our unbridled physical passions, which lead us to seek short-lived gratification in flattery, vanity, pride, gossip, temporal goods, and material success. Any one of these passions can supplant our natural thirst for the living God (Ps 41:1-2). The enemy likewise seeks ways to divert us from the “true drink” that can satisfy us eternally (Mt 4:2-3).” (Dynamis 6/7/2019)

“On account of his divine nature, which he received at creation, the human person possesses a faculty for religion. What the Bible testifies concerning the origin and nature of humankind is fully supported by the fact that the human being craves the fellowship of a Supreme Being, a creator with whom it must converse, for "In him we live and move and have our being...for we are indeed his offspring," as the ancient Greek poet Aratos put it and Paul repeated (Acts 17:28).” (Fr. Demetrios J. Constantelos)

“Human beings are created in beauty and we crave its communion. The same is true of goodness and truth. There is a disconnect within us when our cultural language tells us that the deepest instincts of our existence are merely subjective impressions. It is a shaming thought that seeks to discount the very truth of who we are. It creates a loneliness and alienation that searches for answers in a world we are told is mute.//Human beings crave relationships. We want to be known by others; even introverts need connection with a handful of people.” (Father Stephen Freeman, David Kinnaman & Gabe Lyons)


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