“As the apostle puts it in James 1:19-27, we must be doers of the Word. It is in our doing that we are brought into the Light of Christ, that we truly hear the Word of Christ, and that we know the Christ among us. What does it mean to “do” the Word? The root meaning of the Greek term “doer” is “performer.” The “doer” is an actor…The apostle uses this allusion to the theater as a metaphor. The “hearers only” of the Word is like the spectators of a play. They enjoy the show. They may be moved to laughter or even to tears. They may learn something about themselves. But when they go home, they soon forget the message of the performance. Likewise, we can hear countless sermons. We can read the Bible daily and study the church fathers regularly. But our hearing and reading will be no more than empty entertainment—unless we are moved to act on the message addressed to us.” (Fr. Basil)
“God commands those who preach the good news not to advance their own thoughts and interests, only the word of God. The apostles’ purpose in writing Holy Scripture is to obey this same command, so that they may be “approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15). The Holy Spirit anoints both the preacher and the hearers who open their hearts. The Spirit enters where there is faith and the conviction to live for Christ. All this happens within the hearts of the hearers, who thus become believers and doers of the word. Preaching is of course necessary, but it gains authority only when it is lived in a godly manner. Outsiders and potential converts – as well as the faithful – must see tangible evidence of the inward work of God.” (Dynamis 11/25/2021)
“That God’s Word can enter through the ear and become incarnate in us is reflected in the Church’s reliance on the orally proclaimed word (the Epistle and Gospel read at any service): Let us listen to the Gospel. Not read, but listen! There is power in listening, hearing. We proclaim the glad tidings with great power so that we hear what God is saying – we allow the proclaimed Word to enter our ear so we can become doers of the Gospel. But he who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer that forgets but a doer that acts, he shall be blessed in his doing (James 1:25).” (Fr. Ted Bobosh)
“The proof of your faith is in good works. Can the proof be found in your life? Again St. James says, "But prove yourselves doers of the word and not just hearers who delude themselves" (James 1:22). Too often we join the people who hear but fail to produce the works that would make us doers. By doing the good works that Jesus taught us to do, we show by our actions that our faith is real. The proof of thanksgiving in the Christian Life is Faith that produces good works…But it doesn't just stop here. The Christian Life is a life of Love. Love not in just words but in action, and love in action is Sacrifice. Love is sacrifice. St. John tells us "We know love by this that He laid down His life for us (1 John: 3)." We must sacrifice our will for the will of Christ, just as He sacrificed His will for the will of the Father.” (Chris Avramopoulos)
“Faith is not just knowledge. It is action. James 2:17 reads “so, faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.” Works do not save us without faith. Faith and works go together in concert with God’s grace in order for one to attain salvation…Perhaps the key moment in the life of a Christian is that moment they go from hearer to doer…the ultimate and necessary step is when understanding translates into action, when we move from hearers to doers.” (Fr. Stavros N. Akrotirianakis)