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“Since we are dealing with Men it is inevitable that we should be concerned with the most regrettable feature of their nature: their quick satiety with good.” (J.R.R. Tolkien)

“Satiety is extremely harmful for the soul. Whoever overindulges in food or drink is incapable of spiritual exercises and can neither pray nor reflect on anything divine, because excess in food draws a person into laziness, sleepiness, idleness, idle talk, ludicrous behavior, and a great multitude of impure thoughts and desires.” (Metropolitan Gregory (Postnikov) of St. Petersburg)

“I experience hunger and satiety at the same time, they don’t cancel each other out. The laws of physics do not apply to a large part of human experience. This is one of the problems with western culture generally. We want to deny the existence of anything that cannot be reduced to a discrete point that is either on or off, right or wrong, hungry or satisfied; and so we end up living a delusion that denies the reality of a large part of our experience: both and. So satiety is our enemy not because God does not satisfy our thirsting souls, but because in our mental gymnastics to defend or explain God’s gracious gift, we want to deny the very condition of our souls that make God’s gift so gracious.” (Fr. Michael Gillis)

“Satiety of the soul is similar [to satiety of physical hunger and thirst]. It means calming our spiritual forces through heartfelt repentance for sins, cleansing them through grace, and acquiring the strength to do good, which we did not have when we worked for sin and which Jesus Christ, our Peace, our Righteousness and our Strength, gives to us.” (St. John of Kronstadt)

“Because of God’s infiniteness and His attribute of being uncreated, no-one who participates in God can ever be fully satisfied, at least in this heavenly condition or in the phase of becoming perfect. This is why, in the heavenly situation, there will be no sense of satiety, nor a static state, but rather a continuous progression and perfection of rational beings through their participation in God.” (Panteleïmon Tomazos)


Quote of the Day


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