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“I really am not a fan of “Christian” media, primarily because that term tends to push people into only accessing media labeled “Christian,” and often those media are even more ideologically driven than so-called secular media. Not to mention I believe that God works in all places and cannot be confined to media that humans label.” (Dr. Mary Hess)

“Labeling art, books, and music as Christian is often detrimental to the truth of Christianity because it segregates, separates, and diminishes. Christianity and the Gospel is not some counter-culture meant to be exclusive to a few. Christianity is truth and truth is latent, holistic, and present everywhere. Sometimes you just have to look harder to see it.” (Sacramental Living Blog)

"What we want is not more little books about Christianity, but more little books by Christians on other subjects--with their Christianity latent.” (C. S. Lewis)

“Because of the numerous controversies that have bedeviled the history of Christian thought, many Christians commonly come to Scripture with a host of cautions and reactions, which we use to keep us from stumbling into error as we read the Word of God. A reflective Christian may sometimes wonder what it would be like to read Scripture without these blinders in place; the Church Fathers can show the way in that regard. They lived and wrote before most of these controversies; they show no particular unease as they encounter, for example, passages that treat of both faith and works, or grace and human effort, or solid assurance and warning against apostasy. The readiness with which the Church Fathers embrace together emphases that many Christian readers so readily contrast can serve as a reminder of the coherence of scriptural teaching—which many of us stand all too ready to dissect, label, and store in sealed containers. Thus, reading patristic literature can be a wistful exercise, one in which we learn to read the Word of God afresh and allow it to confront us with its full power.” (James R. Payton)

“Labeling and separating people, art, and things appeals to the mind that wants to reduce things in order to manage them mentally. But labeling does not appeal or ring true to the heart…The heart is quiet rather than noisy, intuitive rather than deductive, lives entirely in the present, and is, at every moment, accepting of the reality God gives in that moment. Moreover, the heart does not seek to distance or dominate anything or anyone by labeling… It knows no fear, experiences no desire, and never finds the need to defend or justify itself. Unlike the mind, the heart never seeks to impose itself. It is patient and undemanding.” (Sacramental Living Blog, Fr Meletios Webber)


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