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“We are not alone in our problems or suffering, even if we imagine ourselves to be desolate. We share a common humanity with others and share in problems which others have also had to endure. What we are experiencing can be burdensome, painful and troubling, but it will also be something others have experienced. Most of what we experience in life (whether good or bad) is not unique to ourselves but is common to many. Even if others haven’t experienced what we are experiencing, they still can offer empathetic support. Further insulating ourselves from others only serves to deepen our sense of isolation. We can think ourselves into a box of our own making.” (Fr. Ted Bobosh)

“If I could speak just a single sentence to comfort the hearts of my spiritual children, it would be: “You are never alone, because your guardian angel is always close by.” Each of us at our birth has an angel assigned to our spiritual care by our heavenly Father. It is also our misfortune that from that time the devil is out to separate us from God and have his way with us. His intention is to control us, and our guardian angels would not be capable of countering that evil activity if Jesus Christ had not come to save us..It’s important for our spiritual and mental health that we are aware of the angels praying for us even when we are absorbed in things of this world and neglect our life in Christ. They pray when we don’t. They hold up our names before the Throne in heaven, when we feel alone and abandoned. When we lose hope, they plead with the Lord on our behalf. They don’t just stand by apart from our awareness of their presence. As we ascend to higher levels of spirituality, we will feel them and pray with them.” (Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky)

“…we are not alone. We have millions of saints and holy people interceding for us in prayer. The saints in this prayer are sometimes known as healing saints. We have many different kinds of saints in our church. These are some of the ones we call upon when we need healing. The saints pray for us. They root for us. They assure us that we are not alone. We may be alone on a bed of pain, or in a mind of anxiety, or in a spirit of sadness. However, we are not alone. Intercessory prayer is also not limited to the saints. We should be praying for one another. We should be “interceding” for one another. We should be letting one another know that no one is alone.” (Fr. Stavros N. Akrotirianakis)

“We all have our problems which might be obvious to others or not, and our worries, great or small. We want somebody to share them, not so much as to give us advice. Sharing them, mentioning them, brings relief to the soul. You feel as if you’re not alone…Those who have someone are in a privileged position…But there are also those who have no-one, no companion on life’s path…It may be that the person suffering is not without a share of responsibility for this absence, but then isn’t to time to apportion blame, but the hour for support and understanding. It’s ‘well-proved’ that there’s more than we know through our senses…It’s apparent from the experiences of many people that another world exists, one which transcends the senses. It’s the world of the bodiless powers, the spirits. To this world belong God, our Lady, the angels, the saints and all those who have departed this world.” (Fr. Andreas Agathokleous)

“People are alone if they don’t know God, even if they have dealings with a large number of other people. Even in a densely-populated society, people like this would say- and, in fact, some actually do say- ‘I’m bored. I don’t know what to do with myself, everything’s a burden’. Those are souls empty of God…but you’re not alone, because you’re close to the Lord and the Lord’s close to you.” (Saint Nicholas Velimirovich)

“Everything Christ said and did teaches us the deepest of truths for He is the truth. In carrying His cross to His crucifixion, He is putting His words into action when He taught us to take up our cross (Luke 9:23). The fact that He needed Simon of Cyrene to help Him bear His teaches us we need others in our toughest times and can’t go it alone.” (Sacramental Living Ministries)

"…we need the help of other human beings, the ministry of other human beings, in changing course and “repenting”; we cannot do this alone. So Jesus subjects Himself to John’s divinely-instituted ministry, as one of us. He shows us the importance of accepting the ministry of another human being…" (Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin)

“Mutual responsibility, shared existence, and true communion are the only form in which salvation is given to us. No one is saved alone.” (Father Stephen Freeman)

“In the creation stories in Genesis, God says everything He creates is good multiple times and when He surveys all of creation at the end of the sixth day, He says it is very good. The first thing He says is not good is when Adam is alone before He makes Eve. None of us are complete without others. Completeness comes in loving God and loving others as Christ teaches.” (Sacramental Living Ministries)

“You can’t do life alone, and you don’t have to. Life is meant to be a partnership, lived in community with family and friends.” (Stan Toler)


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