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“No human actions, no matter how good or noble they may seem, can earn eternal life, for it is only through the grace and love of God that life everlasting is given to us.” (Orthodox Study Bible, Roman 6:23)

“Eternal life is not a wage to be earned, but a gift to be received from God (Romans 6:23).” (Foundation Study Bible, 1 John 5:11)

“The only way to earn salvation is to be perfect—and that is impossible. We can only hold out our empty hands and receive salvation as a gift.” (Life Application Study Bible, Romans 10:3-5)

“RIGHTEOUSNESS. Being good, just, and blameless. All are called to a life of humble obedience to God. However, acts of righteousness cannot earn salvation. Rather, righteousness is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and the way in which Christians respond with living faith to God's gift of salvation. See Matt. 5:6, 20; Rom. 4:3; Gal. 5:22; James 2:14-26.” (Orthodox Study Bible Glossary)

“We spend so much of our waking hours working to earn a living it’s easy to think we must also work to earn the ultimate living which is the eternal life offered to us by Christ. The only so called work we must do is to respond with sincere gratitude of the heart to the gift being offered to us. This sincere response is a life of faith by loving God and sharing this love to others freely just as He has freely loved us.” (Sacramental Living Blog)


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