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“The Lord Jesus declares that God’s concern is to “save” and not to “condemn” (John 3:17). Why, then, does the Lord place the emphasis on condemnation (vss. 17-20)? The answer is quite simple. God sees a condemned race – His own creation – perishing and given over to the oblivion of death. The Source of Life looks lovingly upon a creation permeated by death. Its self-destruction is an affront to His very nature.” (Dynamis 4/28/2020) “Adam’s first act earned divine condemnation not because he behaved in a self-determining manner. Rather, Adam and Eve chose to make themselves (i.e., self-gratification) the sole end of their self-determination. This transmuted their natural individuality into an instrument and expressivity of a newly born self-will or autonomous self, the self that makes itself its own law and is moved by a love of self to the exclusion rather than inclusion of others, most especially God.” (Vigen Guroian) “Just as immortality is far superior to mortality, so also the grace of Christ exceeds the death we inherited from Adam. For by grace, not only is Adam's sin covered, but the sins of the whole world are covered as well. In other words, justification in Christ far exceeds condemnation through Adam (Romans 5:16). As we all inherited Adam's mortality (Romans 5:15), we shall all inherit Christ's immortality. This saving gift (Romans 5:15) must be received through faith.” (Orthodox Study Bible, Romans 5:15-17) “Our Lord reminds us that He came into the world not to judge sinners, but to save the world (John 12:48). As we recall, Jesus Himself hesitates to judge, for when He saw the adulterous woman who was about to be stoned to death, He came to her defense and protection and said, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her, and they all left” (John 8:7). Then Jesus turned to the woman and said, “Neither do I condemn thee; go, and sin no more” (John 8:11). Remember that only God has the authority to judge, yet He hesitates to judge.” (John 5: 30).” (Bishop John of Amorion) “God restores us to life through the gift of His Son, so that we may dwell with Him in His eternal Kingdom. He does not abandon us to condemnation. He makes His forgiveness tangible (1 Jn 1:1-3) so that we, who are dependent upon what is concrete, may trust in Him. When He becomes incarnate, making Himself one of us, Christ our God gives us a solid basis on which to trust Him (vs. 18), to know the truth (vs. 21), to come to the light (vs. 21), and to avoid condemnation. God loves His world, and the Lord Jesus is palpable proof. We need not perish eternally but may choose everlasting life in Him.” (Dynamis 4/28/2020)

“God condemns us whenever we place our trust in outward forms such as church services rather than in His divine commandments and expectations. “Our God is refuge and strength, a helper in afflictions which mightily befall us” (Ps 45:1), according to the Prophet David. Yet the psalmist also declares that “the ungodly . . . are like the chaff which the wind doth hurl away from the face of the earth” (Ps 1:4). Attending liturgy or helping with parish functions cannot be considered true religion. God expects us to follow His guiding Spirit in every aspect of our lives. Trusting Him and obeying Him is the basis of true worship of the undivided Trinity.” (Dynamis 2/18/2019)

“God condemns external observance if it is not the product of a righteous heart.” (Foundation Study Bible, Romans 2:29)

“People are condemned not for what they don’t know but for what they do with what they know. Those who know God’s written Word and his law will be judged by them. Those who have never seen a Bible still know right from wrong, and they will be judged because they violated those standards that their own consciences dictated. God’s law is written within them.” (Life Application Study Bible, Romans 2:10)

“While Christ came to save and not to condemn, man has free will. Thus, he can reject this gift, and he becomes condemned by his own rejection.” (Orthodox Study Bible, John 3:17-18)

“No one is redeemed except through unmerited mercy, and no one is condemned except through merited judgment.” (St. Augustine)


Quote of the Day


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