“The poor diseased woman could not come to Jesus for the press, and you are in much the same condition, because of the rush and throng of these dreadful thoughts. Still, she put forth her finger, and touched the fringe of the Lord’s garment, and she was healed [Mark 5:24-34]. Do you the same.” (Charles Spurgeon)
“The Spirit of God always brings transformation wherever He is present…Christ…causes every aspect of our corrupt human nature to be transformed, for whatever divinity touches is healed.” (Orthodox Study Bible, 1 Kingdoms 10:9, Luke 23:46)
“Christ permits miracles through touch to show that His very body is life, and that contact with His flesh is life-creating," (Orthodox Study Bible, Matthew 14:36)
“God has help where we least expect it. He provides for us in ways that go beyond our narrow definitions or expectations. No matter how bitter our trials or how seemingly hopeless our situation, we should look for God’s caring touch. We may find his providence in some strange places!” (Life Application Study Bible, 1 Samuel 17:10)
“If we seek purity of life and holiness solely by means of our own strength, we risk becoming discouraged. The fatal delusion of self-sufficiency eventually plunges us into despair. Let us rather depend upon the Church and the Holy Spirit to bring us to Christ, teaching us to receive the healing touch of His hand and His blessing.” (Dynamis 12/24/2014)