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Pouring Out

"God has poured out His life and Spirit into creation, all goodness and beauty wherever it is to be found comes from Him." (Father Spyridon Baily)

“God richly pours out on us grace and blessing through the Holy Spirit. Christ poured Himself out for us on the cross out of love. Paul writes in Philippians about how he is being poured out as a drink offering for others (verse 2:17). We see in these highest of examples how we need to be toward each other, willing to pour ourselves out for those we love. But is it not easy and not possible without a continual devotion to Christ to assume more of His likeness and love as He would love.” (Sacramental Living Blog)

“When we are experiencing ourselves as the beloved of God, accepted and cherished by him in all of our beauty and brokenness, our hard, rough edges start to soften. We begin to see others as beloved as well, and that is what gets reflected back to them when they look into our eyes. Not only does the love of God come to us in solitude, the love of God begins to pour through us to others.” (Ruth Haley Barton)

“So then, self-abnegation can and must be practiced in the midst of others, as we pour out ourselves for them, rather than closing in on our own desires.” (Edith Humphrey)

“To conceive of one’s entire life as a libation, an unrestrained “pouring out” to God on behalf others, runs completely counter to our consumer culture. The world tells us to indulge ourselves. You deserve the best, satisfy your cravings – you are worth it! In self-offering, however, we find the essence of the gospel.” (Dynamis 10/9/2018)


Quote of the Day


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