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“God is Life. He is the Lord and Giver of Life. He is the only source of life for everything that exists. Our broken and impaired communion with Him results in death. St. Paul said, “The wages of sin is death.” It’s the natural outcome of broken communion. The only way to “forgive” such a broken communion is to restore it. That restoration of communion is the very essence of what we mean when we say “forgiveness.” To be forgiven is to be made whole, beginning with our communion with God.” (Father Stephen Freeman)

"Adam’s greatest sin was that he chose to live a life without God —a life apart from the source of life —which meant death and disintegration." (Archimandrite Sergius)

“Christ our God teaches us the reality of what it means to save one’s life. If we plunge into satisfying all the desires the world promotes, we may live outwardly while we are dying from the inside out (see Luke 9:24). We will become dead to Him who is our source of life. For this reason He begs us consider “what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world” and yet loses his self (Luke 9:25)?” (Dynamis 10/21/2014)

“…we must approach His [Christ’s] teachings as more than mere reminders – rather, He sets forth the steps for returning to Him, the true Source of life. We need to place the Master and His teaching before us constantly, for we do not grow in Christ by acquiring information, but by humbly developing a relationship with Him. Because we are beginners in this process, He guides us through repeated failures, showing us through reflection and practice how to draw closer to Him.” (Dynamis 7/29/2014)

“...God is the only permanent source of our security and salvation..." (Life Application Study Bible, Romans 1:7)


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