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Pain and Purpose

“God would not allow anyone to go through anything painful and heartbreaking without desiring to ultimately use that for His larger purposes. Somehow there was a larger purpose and all we could do was submit our pain and suffering to Him and ask Him to use it as He wished to use it and know that He would.” (Eric Metaxas)

“The Lord prompts us to remain encouraged even in the midst of overwhelming trials and

afflictions. Despite all the contrary purposes and plans of men, He gives firm assurance. As Saint Nikolai of Zicha says, “All that happens to [us] at the hands of men, happens for [our] profit and to the glory of God.” (Dynamis 4/8/2019)

“The Lord does not send suffering to the servants of God without a purpose. It tests the genuineness of our love for God the Creator. Just as athletes win crowns struggling in the arena, Christians are perfected by the trial of their temptations if they patiently and gratefully accept what God sends them.” (St. Basil the Great)

“All roads lead to us becoming more like Jesus. The connection between our healing and our ultimate purpose of being conformed into the image of Christ is that God will use this occasion—your emergency or crisis—as an opportunity to help you become more like Jesus. This means that despite your pain, suffering, or disability God’s greatest priority is not that you be physically or mentally healed. It’s that you become like Christ.” (Eric M. Hill)

“Longsuffering can be salvation only if our salvation in Christ includes a lifelong process of maturing.” (Orthodox Study Bible, 2 Peter 3:15) “…our comfort comes from God especially in tribulation (2 Cor 1:4). Christ suffered as we humans suffer; He understands our sufferings because He fully endured human pain. Hence our afflictions become co-sufferings, assuring us that even pain has meaning and holy purpose.” (Dynamis 8/2/2018)

“The pain and suffering, we experience are unique to our own person, and so are the myriad lessons they teach us. Out of their depths, however, come common treasures which can strengthen our character, sharpen our understanding, and order our priorities aright. For each of us, therefore, no suffering is without purpose. God allows us the experience of suffering in the hope that we will then share with others what we have learned, and become a source of blessing and help to them. Let us be open to God's comfort so that in the good time of his choosing, He can then comfort still others through each of us.” (Rev. Andrew Demotses)

“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.” (Viktor E. Frankl)

“We are a connected people. In a time of radical independence we long for connections. We want to be a part of something bigger. We look for meaning and purpose.” (Father John Zeyack)

“The purpose of your suffering and pain isn’t always immediately clear. Often it takes time, patience, and fidelity to God in prayer and obedience for purpose to reveal itself. But once it does, it becomes the fuel that drives the engine in your life to turn your suffering and pain into something that benefits others because you want to share how God and His love got you through it.” (Sacramental Living Blog)


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