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“Our Lord Jesus is the only one Who spoke the whole truth to His followers, both the bitter and the sweet side of the truth. He did not promise fruits without service, nor glory without suffering, nor ultimate rest without the thorny path, nor victory without struggle, nor pleasure without bitterness, nor the kingdom without tears and self-denial.” (St. Nikolai Velimirovich)

“I'm just trying to say that as health comes from the bitter medicine, so too does the salvation of souls come from bitter experiences.” (St. Paisios of Mount Athos)

“Has something that you cherished been taken from you? If so, your heart aches and it seems that nothing will ever fill the void…At times like these in our lives, we have a choice. We can become bitter and rebellious, always obsessed with thoughts of how it used to be or might have been, or we can accept this "open space" in our lives as something that God can fill with good things. The Prophet Hosea wrote in a difficult time, "His branches shall spread; his beauty shall be like an olive tree." (14:6). We can allow the prophet's words to encourage our heart, and as the sunshine of God's love warms that empty spot, our "branches" will grow and spread. God is enriching our lives with space to grow, new interests to pursue and different choices for service. Where we see loss, God offers opportunity.” (Rev. Andrew Demotses)

“Love sorrow for the sake of its great salvific power and cultivate within yourself a thirst for it as for a drink which, although bitter, is healing.” (St. Theophan the Recluse)

“We may feel bitter about a situation, but we must never despair. Today is always a new opportunity for experiencing God’s care.” (Life Application Study Bible, Ruth 2:19-20)


Quote of the Day


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