Patience and Suffering
"So much of modern life is aimed at achieving quick results: there is a kind of immediacy that technology has made possible. If there is a question one wants answering then we pull out a device and connect to the internet. The Christian life however, is different; it is a life-long commitment that requires patience and suffering. Knowledge of God is the relationship granted to hearts that are being purified here in this world and in this body." (Father Spyridon Baily)
“James 5:10-20, especially vs 10: “My brethren, take the prophets, who spoke in the Name of the Lord, as an example of suffering and patience.” In this reading, the Apostle James admonishes us to follow the example of the holy Prophets by emulating men like Job and Elijah who exhibited patience in suffering, communicated honestly, and relied on prayer to sustain them.” (Dynamis 7/20/2018)
“Patiently endure the distressing and painful things that befall you, for through them God in His providence is purifying you.” (St. Thalassios the Libyan)
“If we are the presence of Christ, let us be patient in tribulation, steadfast in prayer, responsive to the needs of God’s people, and hospitable in our actions. We are to let the world know and see that Christ is in our midst.” (Dynamis 7/8/2018)
“Sometimes in weak moments during great trials and suffering, I wish the truth of Christianity didn’t involve the cross. Then I recall that the cross and the crucifixion is only half of the truth. The second half of the truth is the joy and promise of the resurrection and it cannot be separated from the crucifixion. It reminds me not to try and avoid the cross in this life, but to patiently endure and deal with what comes my way with faith, prayer and loving action.” (Sacramental Living Blog)