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“Part of my duty…is to practice a ministry of presence…This is the “Ministry of Presence”, to just sit with someone in their pain and suffering. Love never fails and Jesus showed us, time and time again, how compassion heals.” (Philip Ryken, Anjanette Flemming)

“Sometimes all we can do, all we should do, to love and support our family, friends, or anyone in need, is to simply be present, to just offer ourselves - no words, just be there. Practicing the simple ministry of presence seems to be a challenge for many of us who want to fix a situation or share wisdom and experience concerning something similar we went through. But it is often the simplicity of our loving Christ-like presence that brings more comfort and healing than anything else.” (Sacramental Living Ministries)

“I want to encourage you that everyone in the body of Christ qualifies to be an expert assistant to the suffering. You do not have to be brilliant, persuasive, articulate, or experienced. You can be involved in what I will call, "The Ministry of Presence." Through the ministry of presence, you can bring comfort to the hurting—without ever being ordained or certified. You do not have to be anything but available to be a wonderful tool in the hand of God.” (Dr. Stephen Davey)

“When we are a healing presence to others, we are, in some sense, a healing presence to Christ Himself, who resides in others. Better said, Christ is the healing presence in us who moves through us to heal others...every person is called to be a healing presence—that is, to love others.” (Albert S. Rossi)

“A ministry of presence can bring comfort and express care without words. Presence encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual care. This is sacramental presence. It is a revelation of Jesus’ care and compassion through listening, being with, and affirming.” (Mary Glenn)


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