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“Christ said it in a timely fashion: that in this life we must be warriors, even within our own family; our own people will behave as enemies, because we follow the Christian life. Real peace is to be found only in the meeting of man with God. By having this divine peace, we have everything and become fearless before every aggression and every enemy. By having the peace of God, we can then have peace with our fellow human beings.” (Blessed Moses the Athonite)

“The true Christian is a warrior fighting his way through the regiments of the unseen enemy to his heavenly homeland. According to the word of the Apostles, our homeland is in heaven; and about the warrior he says: "our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of wickedness under heaven" (Ephesians 6:12).” (St. Herman of Alaska)

“This is spiritual warfare. It is actual and demanding combat. Praise God that Jesus has secured the victory in our weakness! You will share in this victory as you practice (as any warrior) until you become so skilled in the wielding of your weapons that the enemy sees only the prospects of defeat and a net loss every time he attempts to breach your defenses. As the swing of your sword, the Word of God (Eph. 6:17), becomes more consistent, you will experience freedom. You will come to rejoice at each opportunity to see time-proven principles of warfare do more than provide you with victory. You will see the hand of God gaining new territory for Christ.” (Karl Duff)

“Just a soldiers of this world…arm themselves with every weapon so that they are fearful to their enemies and courageously battle against them, warriors of Christ must arm themselves with every spiritual weapon when they wish to go forth and battle against visible enemies.” St. Paisius Velichkovsky)

“A “prayer warrior” is a person who is convinced that God is omnipotent—that God has the power to do anything, to change anyone and to intervene in any circumstance. A person who truly believes this refuses to doubt God.” (Bill Hybels)


Quote of the Day


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