What’s So Good about the Good News? - Understanding, Proclaiming, and Living the Gospel of Christ in
Michael delivers a lecture at St. Nicholas and Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church in Roseland, New Jersey about how we understand the Gospel of Christ as good news and a way of life versus a religion and how to live and witness it. Sharing stories he explained that: 1) you cannot experience the Church apart from Christ as the Church is all about Christ; and 2) Orthodoxy is the experience of giving language and expression to what we already know is true. He also communicated the following principles:
Our faith is best witnessed through doing that is the result of being, and we must be preparing constantly, living purposefully, thinking globally, and acting locally
Our faith is understood and expressed in relationship not rules and regulations
Our Orthodox Christian faith is not a religion, it’s a way of life
All of life is sacramental, not just the Sacraments