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“…but He said to them, “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent”…Christ’s primary mission was to preach the kingdom…It is the mission He gave the Church and therefore to all of us.” (Orthodox Study Bible, Luke 4:43, Sacramental Living Blog)

“…we must do continual inner work on ourselves first before we are ready to preach and teach the truth of God…we should always be continually working on ourselves spiritually to grow in God’s likeness revealed to us in Christ. God will provide us with opportunities as we grow to help others…The preacher’s strongest and sharpest preaching should be to himself.” (Sacramental Living, E. M. Bounds)

"Before any of us can preach on a street corner or invite someone to come to Church, we must be able to witness in ordinary ways that there is something worthwhile to the life that we live." (Abouna Justin Rose)

“Every preacher should make himself heard rather by deeds than by words, and by his righteous way of life should imprint footsteps for people to tread in, rather than show them by word the way to go… Your life preaches at least as loudly as your words.” (St. Gregory the Great, Mark Grace Driscoll)

“Jesus loved people. He didn’t see them merely as targets for his preaching and his healing. Everything he did flowed out of his incredible love.” (Richard Stearns)


Quote of the Day


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