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“A sleeping spirit is an even more dangerous thing than a sleeping body. If we remain unaware of our spiritual needs and hunger, we are in danger of sleeping right through life.” (Father Barnabas Powell)

“We are all surrounded by fictional characters, inventions of filmmakers, promoters, and even self-inventors. Ignorance of our true nature as children of God keeps us living as fictional characters, unaware of our own true purpose—the one God has chosen for us. When we stop relying on our own goodness and stop deluding ourselves into thinking we do not need God, we can cast our entire focus on discovering our true self.” (Abbot Tryphon)

“God's parental heart rejoices at the outpourings of His children's love and praise; it is saddened by their indifference and neglect.” (Fr. Vojislav Dosenovich)

“Hallowed Be Thy Name...ingratitude and an indifferent attitude toward God fails to honor His name. To “hallow” God’s name is not merely to live righteous lives but to have a heart of grateful joy toward God—and even more, a wondrous sense of His beauty. We do not revere His Name unless He “captivate[s] us with wonderment for Him." (John T. McNeill)

“A sin that underlies much sin is indifference. St. Thalassios gave us a definition of indifference: "Listlessness is an apathy of soul; and a soul becomes apathetic when sick with self indulgence." (Philokalia II) Indifference has two effects; it either allows us to commit the sins mentioned above, or paradoxically, not to view such sins as sins at all…Those who are indifferent are spiritually blind.” (Fr. George Morelli)


Quote of the Day


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