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"People think a Christian is one who follows Christ's teaching and example, but Jesus is not primarily a teacher. He's a rescuer." (Pastor Timothy Keller)

“No human being has the resources, the power, the money, or the merit to save himself. The necessary power for rescue is not in us. It must come from God." (R. C. Sproul)

“The work of salvation belongs entirely to God. It is God through Christ and the Holy Spirit, who has the divine power to rescue us from the forces of sickness, evil, sin, death, and the devil. It is God through Christ and the Holy Spirit who alone provides justification, forgiveness, and new life to sinners who come to Him with faith. And God provides salvation as a most amazing and unceasing gift to all sincere seekers. From our side, the question is about receiving and using the gift of salvation. The gift is offered, but if we do not receive it, we don’t have it, and certainly cannot use it. God offers the gift. We can choose to accept it or reject it.” (Fr. Theodore Stylianopoulos)

“Full redemption involves no less care than rescue.” (St. Gregory of Nyssa)

“Christianity in many ways is like a search and rescue operation. God searches our hearts, the deepest part of us, and gently woos us to turn to Him. If we make that choice, He then rescues us through His love and grace.” (Sacramental Living Blog)


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