“Our churches are beautifully adorned and furnished so as to awaken us to God’s presence among us…However, the experience of “God with us” goes far beyond aesthetics. It is first and foremost a matter of the heart and will, of one’s spirit…God’s people are those who awaken to His presence, repent, and live as He wills. Such a change must occur deep within our hearts in answer to the Lord…” (OCPM 9/25/2016)
“The next time some trouble interrupts our lives, might we give it a deeper look to see if it isn't a “wake up call” from God to re-examine our lives? And if our lives are going well, does that mean a “wake up call” won’t happen?” (Marianne C. Sailus)
“Upon awakening from sleep—an image of the awakening from the dead, which awaits all men—direct your thoughts to God, offering up to Him the first-thoughts of your mind, which has not yet become imprinted with any vain impressions whatsoever.” (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov)
“St. Paul encourages us to wake up! (Romans 13:11-12)…To “wake up” is to turn off the TV and have a conversation with your spouse and children. To “wake up” may prompt you to hand an apple and a smile to a homeless person. To “wake up” will motivate you to attend Divine Liturgy on time and with full awareness that you are in the presence of God. To “wake up” is to re-examine your life and seek confession and forgiveness. Let us not go through life asleep – falling into habits of laziness and complacency. But let us live intentionally seeking Christ and all that is holy and good. Everyday, we are given the chance to be transformed and made anew.” (Fr. Tom Tsagalakis)
“To be awake in the world is to realize when opportunities to love and be loved are in our grasp. These are moments of great significance.” (Robert Stofel)