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Weariness (Fatigue)

“People today are weary, confused and darkened by sin and egoism….People need to realize that their life is troubled because they have distanced themselves from God. They need to realize that they must repent and humbly confess their sins.” (St. Paisios the Athonite)

“What moves the Lord Jesus to have compassion on the people He encounters? “He saw the multitudes…were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd” (Mt 9:36). This weariness still haunts the world, including the Church itself. All around us we see fatigued hearts, exhausted souls, and worn-out minds and bodies.” (Dynamis 6/19/2023)

“The natural cycle of life and death can weary the human heart with the inescapability of its endlessly reoccurring patterns: “Vanity of vanities…! All is vanity…. A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever” [Ecclesiastes 1:2,4]. “And therefore, “the burden of time, this rotation of beginnings and ends, is meaningless and tiresome.” Our dissatisfaction with this closed cycle undermines the very claim that it is all “natural,” and therefore acceptable to the human spirit. On the contrary, human beings are always seeking an escape into whatever “reality” will allow us at least some temporary relief from the oppressiveness of a closed universe forever marred by corruption and death. If not Stoic resignation – “the impassibility or even indifference of the sage”—then perhaps a desire to transcend the limitations imposed upon us by “nature,” will lead to a desperate search for an ecstatic experience – the Dionysian impulse.” (Fr. Stephen Kostoff, Fr. Georgez Florovsky)

“…Paul notes that those who live such productive lives need encouragement. They are liable to become weary, that is, to become weak, exhausted, and faint-hearted…In Galatians, Paul expresses the same concern about the burn-out of those who are dedicated to doing good. He says, “And let us not grow weary while doing good” (Galatians 6:9). But here, he provides the motivation for not giving up in the performance of good works. He sets out the principle, “Whatever a man sows, that will he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). Then, accordingly, he promises, “We will reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:9). We learn from this reading that idleness is the doorway to mischief. If our hearts are not devoted to doing good, if our minds are not engaged in something beneficial, they are liable to seek something less fruitful. We will search for an escape from boredom. On the other hand, God is just. He will see to it that well-doing receives its reward. Therefore, as he does for all believers, Paul assures the Corinthians that “their labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58).” (Fr. Basil)

“Jesus, in His humanity, became weary in His journeys. He asked the woman at the well in John 4 for a drink of water because He was tired in His journey. Likewise, we also become tired, and sometimes bored, distracted and any number of other conditions that take our focus off of Christ. Thus, we need strength and endurance when we become fatigued in our journey…The words of Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30 have always been like balm on a sunburn—“come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (11:28). There are prayers which add “with iniquity,” to the phrase “heavy laden,” that the Lord gives rest not only to those who are borne down with fatigue from work, but even to those who are tired from the fatigue of failure, especially that of their own doing. Jesus assures us of His gentleness. He wants us, however we are, however messed up we are. He wants to give us that rest for our souls that we all so desperately need.” (Fr. Stavros N. Akrotirianakis)

“At times we humans playfully indulge in deep questions or dawdle in idle speculation. Some of us devote weeks and months to profound soul-searching, reading and discussing the great issues. However, it is suffering which forces us to meditate on issues of ultimate meaning. Pain thrusts questions into our consciousness concerning the purpose of life, the nature of God, and our relationship with Him. Often, pain does this when we, like Job, are distressed at heart and “weary and groaning in…soul” (Job 10:1).” (Dynamis 8/4/2022)

“Any who have endeavored to follow Christ may have experienced that weariness which comes upon us as we trod the narrow way to the Kingdom…we all have probably wanted God to relieve us from our spiritual struggles, to free us from struggles and temptations. A life of bliss seems to many of us to be the road to the Kingdom, but that hasn’t been the experience of the saints who recognized that carrying the cross is a struggle that wearies us at times. ‘From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by force’ (Matthew 11:12)….Paul also encourages us not to lose heart and grow weary in well doing just because life is difficult. He wants us to strive to follow Christ in as many ways as we can – not just in prayer, but in practicing all the virtues as well.” (Fr. Ted Bobosh)

“Faith is our sure defense against the assaults of temptation, doubt, despair, and despondency. Without faith, we are at the mercy of spiritual forces that are too much for us. But by putting our trust in the Lord, we can resist and rebuff every kind of onslaught that threatens us. So let us not cast aside our faith because the Lord seems to be slow in fulfilling His promises. Let us not give up when It seems that God is not answering our prayers. Let us not grow “weary of well-doing” because we do not yet see the fruits of our effort (Gal. 6:9). When the forces of evil seem to prevail against the good, let us never surrender to their powers. But let us hang onto faith, especially in difficult times, for it is our invincible shield against all the challenges that we face.” (Fr. Basil)

“We also sometimes are subject to doubts about the truth of the Christian faith. Thomas’ doubt sprung from a heart that had been struck down by sudden trauma. Ours springs from the slow, ceaseless, and unrelenting barrage of propaganda from our secular society that inundates us…After a while we grow tired of fighting….A kind of spiritual fatigue overtakes us and the secular model of reality begins to look ever more tempting; unbelief, moral and religious relativism gain ever more credibility. What do we do then? Where can we take our doubts? Thomas teaches us: take your doubts to Church. Do not abandon your Christian family, or retreat from the apostolic company. Stay in Church, praying privately and attending the Church’s public Liturgy. And ask Christ to give you the answers, and reveal Himself, and bring you the truth. If you really want to know the truth, Christ will give it to you. But be clear: you must want to find the truth like a starving man wants to find food, like a man dying of thirst in the desert wants to find a watery oasis.” (Fr. Lawrence Farley)

“St. Paul reminds us that for the farmer to reap the fruits of his labors, he must continue his labor through until the harvest without growing weary or giving up. So too, we are prone to grow weary in doing good. We seek to follow Christ and live by His Spirit, but because the harvest still appears to be so far off, and because we are not yet seeing the fruits of what we have done, we are tempted to give up. As St. Paul tells us, if we struggle on, we will reap our reward if we do not lose heart.” (Fr. Stephen De Young)

“…a godly harvest does not come if we fail to sow, cultivate, and labor. So what if some workers come late in the day and are paid handsomely along with us (Mt 20:1-15)? We are to resist “[growing] weary while doing good,” for “if we do not lose heart” but persevere in the tasks assigned by the Master, God promises that “we shall reap” (Gal 6:9).” (Dynamis 9/12/2018)

“Jesus is the perfect model of endurance. During His ministry, He was pulled in a thousand different directions, constantly gave to others, and experienced rejection and suffering in return. Yet He knew His goal and kept a single focus to accomplish it. Though He made Himself available to others, He also knew how to set boundaries and found times for private spiritual renewal. Who can better understand your situation? When you are tired, weary, and don’t know if you can keep going, look to Him.” (Melody Rossi)

“The Lord doesn’t promise to give us something to take so we can handle our weary moments. He promises us Himself. That is all. And that is enough.” (Charles Swindoll)

“People often grow weary of one who comes to them with wailing and bitter laments. At times, they even push such a person from their path to get rid of him. But God does not act in this way. He lets the wailing person come to Him and even draws him to Himself. Even if it takes you all day to share your misfortunes with God, He will love you all the more and will grant your petitions.” (St. John Chrysostom)

“You may be sure that being a blessing to others brings blessing to yourself. If we work for the revival of others we are ourselves revived. You will overcome the signs of fatigue in yourself if you give yourself up wholly to the Lord to be commissioned by Him to overcome paralysis and feebleness in others. He who loves and nurses his ego makes himself spiritually old. Selfishness makes weary. The service of love keeps us young.” (Erich Sauer)

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” St. Paul)

"Why would I “grow weary” in doing what is “good”? Because I experience setbacks; things do not always go as I expect, and I make mistakes, as do fellow-strugglers around me. Even when I focus on leading a God-centered life, and intend to “do what is good,” my spiritual growth is not an overnight matter. The Apostle reminds me today [Galatians 6:9] not to be a spiritual infant, but to have patience with myself and others. There is growth, even through my mistakes, even if I am not always “reaping” as I would like." (Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin)

“For those who lie on their bed of sickness; for all who are in need of guidance and strength from the Lord; for those who are weary in well-doing; for those who are in need of refreshment…Lord, have mercy.” (Small Compline)

“People who are weary from their search in this storm-tossed world need our mercy and efforts.” (Bishop John)

“When we live life in a hurry, we end up weary … in a hurry.” (Keri Wyatt Kent)


Quote of the Day


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