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“…the demands of this present life call for action, but God’s Word calls us to acknowledge His claim on our hearts now. We are seek Him now, to cleanse our lives now…In the mystery of baptism, God cleanses His divine image within us as the essential beginning of our life in Christ. Our Christian life consists of a sustained effort to recover our lost likeness to God.” (Dynamis 12/30/2014, 4/30/2018)

“The results of forgiveness are a clean heart, a renewed spirit, a restored relationship with God, and a joyful experience of God’s salvation. God cleans us up. He makes us presentable. He reorients us towards Himself, helping us to focus on what it is right.” (Foundation Study Bible, Psalms 51:10-13)

“The more a person progresses in the spiritual life, the more the eyes of his soul will be opened. His mind is polished clean and he can better discern his own faults, as well as the many blessings of God. He becomes humble, he is broken within. This, in turn, naturally brings the Grace of God, divine enlightenment, and discernment is acquired. He then clearly sees what the will of God is in every situation, and he does not stumble in his spiritual progress.” (Papa Demetri)

“Our primary task is to cleanse our own and our children’s hearts, minds, and passions, to offer truth to our families and friends, and to live Christ’s holy truth so as to reveal its radiant beauty and life-giving power.” (OCPM 5/29/2016)

“The purpose of our life is to have a clean soul that we are ready to present to the Lord.” (Fr. Stavros N. Akrotirianakis)

“Those who bought and sold were trading in live animals to be used for sacrifices. The money changers traded Roman coins for Jewish coins since Roman coins, which bore the image of Caesar, were considered defiling in the temple. The cleansing of the temple also points to the necessity that the Church be kept free from earthly pursuits. As each person is considered a temple of God (1Co 3:16; 6:19), it is also a sign that our hearts and minds must be cleansed of earthly matters.” (Orthodox Study Bible, Matthew 21:12-13)

“In the Christian life, temptations and tests or trials of our spiritual condition are necessary; and as our life, like the furniture of a house, becomes covered with various stains, it is necessary to cleanse it.” (St. John of Krondstat)

“Cleanse Ourselves: 2 Corinthians 7:1-10, especially vs. 1: “Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”…Had not the Lord Jesus borne our sins (Is 52:4-6) and cleansed us in holy baptism (Eph 5:26), God’s declarations might be considered the counsel of despair. However, the apostle’s injunction to “cleanse ourselves” illumines the great hope we have in Christ Jesus, for through His death and Resurrection the Lord provides a means for us to attain purity beyond our capacity. Now, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, we may aspire to that true purity of which Saint Paul speaks, if we follow the process of cleansing.” (Dynamis 8/20/2015)

"This may be difficult for me to accept, but the fact is, it is sometimes God’s will that I endure various ailments or defects, physical and/ or spiritual, and remain “unclean,” as was the leper for a prolonged period of time. Through my own weaknesses, be they physical or spiritual, I learn compassion for others with similar weaknesses, as well as gratitude for little things. Today let me be grateful for whatever God sends me, and humbly ask Him to cleanse what needs cleansing, in His time. “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” (Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin)

“Our primary task is to cleanse our own and our children’s hearts, minds, and passions, to offer truth to our families and friends, and to live Christ’s holy truth so as to reveal its radiant beauty and life-giving power.” (OCPM 5/29/2016)


Quote of the Day


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