“Boldness is not reckless impulsiveness. Boldness requires courage to press on through our fears and do what we know is right.” (Life Application Study Bible, Acts 4:29-31)
“Sin makes man a coward; but a life in the Truth of Christ makes Him bold.” (St. John Chrysostom)
“Hearts are opened only by God, not by our gifts, boldness, or brilliance.” (Foundation Study Bible, Acts 6:8)
“When the heart is occupied with worldly things, especially superfluous ones, it forsakes the Lord - the Source of life and peace - and is therefore deprived of life and tranquility, of light and strength; but when it repents of its care for vain things, and wholly turns from corruptible things to the incorruptible God, then the fountain of living water again begins to flow into it, and peace, tranquillity, light, strength, and boldness before God and man once more dwell within it. We must live wisely.” (St. John of Krondstadt)
“Prayer is our approach to God, and we are to come “boldly.” Some Christians approach God meekly with heads hung low, afraid to ask Him to meet their needs. Others pray flippantly, giving little thought “to what they say. Come with reverence because He is your King. But also come with bold assurance because He is your Friend and Counselor.” (Life Application Study Bible, Hebrews 4:16)