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“If we cultivate responsiveness to God’s presence, develop the habit of asking and waiting on God, divine management can be the characteristic of our lives….Searching for God’s will demands being alert in spirit….Let us be humble, set aside the belief that we are in charge and embrace humility. If we will place the details of our lives in Christ’s hands, choose to seek His will in all things, and accept our Lord as the Governor of the details of life, we will discover the joy of having the one, true, infallible Guide manage our choices and our paths every moment.” (Dynamis, 8/14/2012)

“…cultivate your relationship with God, so that together with the psalmist you too will be able to say, “I have relied on you all my life; you have protected me since the day I was born. I will always praise you.” (71:6).” (Father Andrew Demotses)

“All of us lead lives so filled with the demands of work and family that little time is left to us to cultivate the garden of our soul. In our preoccupation with the ceaseless business of life, our spirit, if not completely forgotten, is often sadly neglected. When we do find the time to look at ourselves honestly, we soon discover that the spirit of the world has gradually and imperceptibly eaten away at our good intentions; we have become shopworn by the cares and self-centered spirit of the world.” (Father Andrew Demotses)

“In meditation we should not look for a “method” or a “system,” but cultivate an “attitude,” an “outlook”: faith, openness, attention, reverence, expectation, supplication, trust, joy. All these finally permeate our being with love." (Thomas Merton)

“[We] encounter Christ in a deep and profound way through serving the needs of others…by encountering Christ in the poor, the marginalized, the orphaned, and the forgotten (Matthew 25) [we] cultivate a deeper personal relationship with Christ …” (Antiochian Archdiocese)


Quote of the Day


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