“We live in a culture of statistics – and they hide a lot. They obscure us in the reduction of our lives to generalities. None of us is a percent. None of us is an aggregate. Each of us is a priceless treasure of whom God is mindful. You cannot count the hairs on the heads of humanity in general. But the hairs on the head of each of us is numbered . Sparrows do not fall to the ground in general. It is the single sparrow that God notes, and infinitely notes each sparrow, fallen and otherwise. This is the wonder of it all…“There is a “texture of life” that cannot be reduced. It has a richness that rational descriptions cannot capture. Though we battle with powerful forces that draw us towards the destructiveness of sin – there is written deep within us a hunger for wholeness and the capacity for God. In the words of St. John, “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).” (Fr. Stephen Freeman)
“…in fact any time a reductive science tries to explain living order you get that combination of powerful persuasiveness and shocking wrongness. Reductive analysis can only capture all of a living system if it first succeeds in killing the organism it seeks to explain, thus rendering it inert, inorganic, dead–but, hey, at least now it can be mapped!...Because when reductive methods run amok and become the main approach to a living system, they might easily kill what they analyze. This is what happened to our cities, it has happened to our farming communities in America, and it often seems to be happening to our souls.” (Timothy G. Patitsas)
“Sin is first of all unfaithfulness to the ‘Other,’ a betrayal. For a long time now, sin has become reduced to morals. And nothing leads away from God, from thirst for God, as precisely these morals. All morals consist first of all of bans and taboos. ‘I quarreled with my wife’ – but in a quarrel with your wife whom you love the reason and content of the quarrel is almost always unimportant. What is important, painful, unbearable, is the rupture, the breach, as short as it might be. And you make peace with your wife not because you find who is right and who is wrong, but because you love each other, because each one’s life is in the other. A Christianity reduced to morality, to norms, is impossible to practice because not one of Christ’s commandments is fulfilled without love for Christ. ‘If you love me, you will keep my commandments‘ (John 14:15).” (Fr. Alexander Schmemann)
“We often like to quantify things in our spirituality [think of Peter’s question as to how many times must I forgive my fellow church member when he/she sins against me repeatedly? (Matthew 18:21-22) Or the lawyer trying to justify himself by asking ‘who is my neighbor?’ (Luke 10:25-37) Or, is following the Law and tithing a sufficient amount in terms of giving in charity? (Mark 10:20-21) Or, is there a certain dollar amount in giving to charity which is enough? (Mark 12:41-44).] Love knows no boundaries and can’t be quantified. One gives freely and cheerfully not counting the cost.” (Fr. Ted Bobosh)
“…love is a kind of subconscious desire that operates without our thinking about it. In order to fend off the reductionistic cliché that love is a feeling, we sometimes (rightly) emphasize that love is a choice…In a certain sense, that’s true. But in another sense, love as we’re talking about it here—love as our most fundamental orientation to the world—is less a conscious choice and more like a baseline inclination, a default orientation that generates the choices we make.” (James Smith)
“This reduction of the world to information is a common error of the modern period. The world and data-about-the-world are considered to be the same thing. The reduction of the world to information is the reduction of what it means to be human. And the result is a diminished person.” (Father Stephen Freeman)
“If we reduce our high calling to legalism or a simple list of deeds to perform, we will have missed the point. For being united with Christ in holiness is not a matter of simply doing this or that by our own will power. As St. Paul reminded the Colossians, “you were buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised with Him through faith in the working of God, Who raised Him from the dead.” We obviously cannot conquer sin and death by even our best actions or thoughts. As St. Paul taught, “By grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” (Eph. 2.:8.). There is no avoiding the truth that the more fully we unite ourselves to our Savior in constant prayer from our hearts, the more we will participate personally in His blessed life. We shape ourselves by what we think about, what we fill our hearts with, and what we love and hope for.” (Fr. Philip LeMasters)
“When we put our hand to God’s plow, we have to continue to move forward toward God’s heavenly kingdom and not allow ourselves to be drawn back into political ideologies. We can still participate in the world, in our democracies, but have to come to see the relative value of such ideologies rather than absolutizing them. If we think our political views or our political party are the most significant thing in the world, then we have reduced God’s kingdom to a secondary value that we embrace only if convenient or if our faith happens to support our political views. As Christians we should be looking at our politics through the lens of the Gospel, or better yet through the eyes of Christ. If we decide to view the Gospel or Christianity through the eyes of our political views, then we have not yet made the Kingdom first in our lives. We are looking back, or maybe even backwards instead of plowing ahead toward the Kingdom.” (Fr. Ted Bobosh)
“The continuing proliferation of denominations within nations would lead… to religion being ultimately reduced to a matter of personal opinion. There was no longer any shared morality to draw on. This paved the way for the rise of secularism as the dominant worldview of the Western world. Along with it came the conditions that would lead to an entirely new kind of Christianity. It’s no surprise that the increasing power of the secular nation states in the modern era ultimately culminated in the catastrophes of the twentieth century. From the massacres of the communist revolutions to the devastation of the world wars, from the brutality of the internment camps to the horror that was the atomic bomb, the twentieth century was the most violent, blood-soaked period in human history—not by a little, but by orders of magnitude. And what else would you expect from a world in which the secular nation states—of whatever kind—were answerable to no moral authority higher than their own self-interest?” (Dr. Zachary Porcu)
“Reductionism is a sin, not because it is a classic moral transgression, but because it is a form of control that takes us in the opposite direction of God. It is nothing new. Adam and Eve sought to control their own lives without God; the builders of the Tower of Babel sought to pull God down from heaven and control Him. Most often we fall into reductionism simply to cope since the paradox, mystery, ambiguity, and tragedy of life are often too much for us to bear. It’s a trap. We have to fight through it and just admit to ourselves, we know basically nothing except Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2).” (Sacramental Living Ministries)
“The question posed by the Pharisees and Herodians appears to concern Caesar and taxation, but its purpose is to force the Lord Jesus to choose between loyalty to God and obedience to worldly government. Christ, in turn, exposes the deep error involved in making God an alternative to Caesar. Such gross oversimplification distorts theology into manageable human concepts – an impossible task….The Pharisees and Herodians engage in reductionism, which attempts to minimize a complex reality by obscuring or distorting it. As rational creatures, we are incapable of speaking definitively about God’s essence. The Church Fathers use negative or superlative statements such as “uncontainable,” “incomprehensible,” “all-wise,” “almighty…God is not some thing capable of being compared to other things; He exists beyond all categories of thought.” (Dynamis 1/30/2022, St. Gregory the Theologian, Vladimir Lossky)
“In this passage [Mark 12:13-17]Jesus points to the image (Grk εἰκών, eikōn) of Caesar on the coin. This same Greek word is used in Gen 1:26 (LXX) to state that humanity is made in the “image” of God. Jesus is making a subtle yet powerful contrast: Caesar’s image is on the denarius, so he can lay claim to money through taxation, but God’s image is on humanity, so he can lay claim to each individual life…Jesus’ answer to give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s was a both/and, not the questioners’ either/or. So he slipped out of their trap.” (NET Bible, Mark 12:16-17)
“Most of us recognize the shortcomings of reductionism at a deep level: we know that we are more than what we produce and that efficiency is not the point of education, religion, art, play, or many other aspects of human culture. Most people are dissatisfied with the reductionist viewpoint, yet not enough of us have or can articulate viable alternatives because reductionism has taken over not only how people define success but also what we value in society….Our faith itself should have this quality of fullness about it – something that is greater than our ability to bear. Our compartmentalization of the world and our faith reduce both to bearable levels – but then we fail to live or to believe. Understanding begins with wonder – and wonder requires something beyond our normal limits.” (Makoto Fujimura, Father Stephen Freeman)
“Our genes, our neurons, our basic instincts, and so on, affect how we function qualitatively as human beings, but they do not yield absolute, ontological conclusions about what we are as human beings. It is the absolute forms of reductionism that are pernicious, incompatible with religious views, and that are to be resisted.” (Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Clapsis)
“There have been any number of philosophers, from Descartes to Kant who essentially reduced our reality to something within our heads. The “good” ceased to be anything “out there” and simply became “what is pleasing to me.” Many, drawn by the allure of various science fiction schemes, cannot imagine why hard reality should be preferred to virtual reality. The digital life is becoming normal life. Such an estrangement frequently makes people forget where and how they live. We forget that farms grow our food and that the earth produces our minerals. We forget that people get their hands dirty and toil over these necessities. Life in the city (which is often life in the mind) seems superior, more sophisticated, and to be preferred. In that world, God lives as an idea among ideas, and is perhaps not welcome.” (Father Stephen Freeman)
“The motive behind theological reductionism is our vain attempt to manage God. If we could reduce God to mere ideas and principles, then we could eliminate the essential unknowability of God. Such simplistic thinking keeps God conveniently in hand, using Him however it wills. The saints never brook such theology. Isaiah records God’s reply to the inquiries of man: “But as heaven is distant from earth, so is My way distant from your ways, and your thoughts from My mind” (Is 55:9).” (Dynamis 2/3/2020)
“…the greatest reductionism is found in the immense neglect of emphasis upon the heart of the New Testament teaching on salvation as union with Jesus Christ…The theology of the Church bears witness to the fact that the mystery of salvation is accomplished not just on the Cross, but from the very moment of Incarnation when the Only-Begotten and Co-Eternal Son united Himself forever with humanity in the womb of the Virgin Mary, his Most Pure Mother. Salvation as union and communion between God and Man drips from every page of the New Testament and in the writings of Holy fathers.” (Father Josiah Trenham)
“The problem with reductionism (our insistence to break things down into something we can confine to our rational thought) when it comes to God is that it becomes a barrier to a salvific relationship with God. To be in a relationship with the Lord that leads to our salvation requires we willingly embrace mystery, paradox, and ambiguity. Reductionism will not tolerate such things, thus it become a self-deceptive barrier between us and God.” (Sacramental Living Ministries)
"Our daily frustrations, society’s pressures, and our shortcomings reduce and narrow our view of God.” (Life Application Study Bible, Isaiah 6:1-3)
“Most of our lives are so caught up in the mundane that we don’t understand and experience God’s holiness as we should. There is little appreciation or understanding of the sacred “otherness” of God. We have too often reduced Him to only friend and advisor.” (Foundation Study Bible, Isaiah 6:3)
“The fearful wonder that is our salvation in Christ is rooted both in God’s goodness and in what it means to exist as person. Our modern world is sometimes castigated for having made human beings the center of everything. This is only true if we measure our modern world by its economics and its entertainment industry. In truth, the modern world has often reduced what it is to be human.” (Father Stephen Freeman)
“…without a proper understanding and relationship with Christ, Christianity is incorrectly reduced to just another system of rules and regulations we try to follow by our own will power and therefore ultimately makes no deep and lasting change to our way of being.” (Sacramental Living)
“Faith has been reduced to a comfortable system of beliefs about God instead of an uncomfortable encounter with God." (Michael Yaconelli)
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