Faith and Understanding
"That’s faith. It means letting God do His will in my life, by accepting the responsibilities and people and places to which He has sent me, even though I can’t understand, “Why me?” So, “doing” God’s will doesn’t mean figuring it out. And faith in Him removes the anxieties of not knowing the “Why,” as well as the “What Next.” (Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin)
“Faith is only slightly concerned with our mind and emotions. Mostly it is a matter of complying, even if we do not understand and entertain doubts, even if we do not especially feel like doing what the Lord asks.” (OCPM 12/25/2015)
“God wants our trust and faith, even while we ponder and wonder about so many matters mysterious to us.” (Life Application Study Bible, Hebrews 11:6)
“…we too often turn back and fail to believe in the Lord our God. And yet He continues to assure us. The choice is up to us; always, the issue is one of trust…Often mistrust is accompanied by presumptuous self-reliance.” (OCPM 2/7/2016)
“The more we distrust God, the heavier our hearts will get. You know why? Because, somewhere along the way, we determined to be God for ourselves." (Beth Moore)
“…reason has been reduced to discursive reasoning, i.e. logic. Popularly, it refers to what can be proven by demonstration (and often less than that). At the same time, there has been a groundswell of sentimentality, in which how we “feel” about something has been elevated to a position above rational argument. It is in this context that faith is easily misunderstood. Faith is not a leap beyond the provable, nor is it a motion based on strong sentiment. Faith is a mode of perception, a means by which we may know. But it belongs to a much larger understanding of human cognition that is unknown to our culture.” (Father Stephen Freeman)
“In Matthew 16:8-9, Jesus chided the Disciples saying, ‘O you of little faith…Do you not yet understand…’ The Disciples were rationalizing about the ‘leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees’ and not seeing, or perceiving, beyond the literal. Christ links their lack of faith to their lack of true understanding. We can be intellectual geniuses but without faith we can never truly understand.” (Sacramental Living Blog)
“The knowledge of the only true God is far more than intellectual understanding. It is participation in His divine life and in communion with Him. Thus eternal life is an ongoing, loving knowledge of God in Christ and the Holy Spirit.” (Orthodox Study Bible, John 17:3)
“...when we pray everyday, God strengthens us, He pours his grace upon us. He blesses us. He wants us to grow in faith, and life, and spiritual understanding.” (Father John Zeyack)
“To go on to maturity in our understanding, we need to move beyond (but not away from) the basic teachings to a more complete understanding of the faith.” (Life Application Study Bible,
Hebrews 6:1-2)