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“Jesus commands us not to worry. But how can we avoid it? Only faith can free us from the anxiety caused by greed and covetousness. Working and planning responsibly is good; dwelling on all the ways our planning could go wrong is bad. Worry is pointless because it can’t fill any of our needs; worry is foolish because the Creator of the universe loves us and knows what we need. He promises to meet all our real needs but not necessarily all our desires.” (Life Application Study Bible, Luke 12:22-34)

“The kingdom of God is the central theme of Jesus' teaching, and His righteousness is the subject of the Sermon on the Mount. Calling us to be free from anxiety about earthly things, Jesus directs us to look to heaven, secure in the faith that God will provide needed earthly blessings.” (Orthodox Study Bible, Matthew 6:33)

"The commandment not to worry is contrary to reason. It is part of the"foolishness of God” which is"wiser than the wisdom of men,” (cf 1 Corinthians 1:25). Actually, I’ve put it badly. The commandment is not contrary to reason. It is above reason. It transcends it. It makes sense only if the horizons of reason are extended farther out than the mind, unaided by grace"can see it. In other words, the commandment"do not worry” can be kept only by people of faith and hope. Only a trusting heart can hear the Lord’s words and keep them with that peace of mind..." (Hieromonk Maximos)

"Jesus is warning against anxiety, not against thoughtful planning. Our physical well-being is directly dependent on God, and only indirectly on food, drink, and clothing. Anxiety over earthly things demonstrates a lack of faith in God's care.” (Orthodox Study Bible, Matthew 6:25-27)

"If we put ourselves and our needs last, and allow God and His grace to work through us and overcome us, wonderful things will happen! We begin to be less worried about things, because what most people worry about is what is going to happen to them, to their loved ones, to their things, etc. if we focus on the other and his/her needs blessings will flow, and God will sustain us in the work we are doing in His name.” (Marianne C. Sailus)

“Perhaps there is no more unsettling feeling in the world than anxiety. It can grip you so fiercely that you believe you will come apart at the seams.” (David Hawkins)

“Too often our minds are filled with worries or unnecessary concerns. Our hearts yearn to experience God, we long for peace and deep joy each day, but instead we feel lost. A spiritual attitude changes this, it softens our souls.” (Robert Wicks)

“Whatever is worth worrying about is certainly worth praying about…Concern draws us to God. Worry pulls us from Him.” (John Mason, Joanna Weaver)

"A certain peace can come about when we realize that God is going to provide for us. We can release anxieties from our hearts that might be injurious to our bodies, minds, and souls. After all, anxiety is never a good thing. We can only cause problems." (Marianne C. Sailus)

“The passions that create a state of unrest in our hearts cause us to forget the real purpose of our lives, which is union with God...Letting ourselves become troubled or full of anxiety does nothing to further our journey into the heart…Entrust those things to God which are humanly difficult, so as to avoid anxiety. For when Christ sees that you do not have any human help, then He will intercede by offering help. With humility and faith all problems are resolved." (Abbot Tryphon, St. Arsenios the Cappadocian)


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