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“We are God’s vineyard, charged with bearing fruit and offering “the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name” (Heb 13:15). We are to abide in Him or risk being “cast out as a branch and . . . withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned” (Jn 15:6). Let us give God His due in the time allotted to us. Sin is around us and within us. Its allure deceives us so that we often fail to consider the consequences of not abiding in Him. It is easy to live for the moment, without thinking about what follows from our actions. However, our petty resistance and refusal to pay our dues only deepens the gulf between us and the Giver of Life.” (Dynamis 1/31/2020)

“We are God’s vineyard, charged with bearing fruit and offering “the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name” (Heb 13:15). We are to abide in Him…To abide in Christ involves not only mental assent to the doctrine of the Incarnation. It is a sacramental union with Him, effected in baptism and nourished in the Eucharist.” (OCPM 12/29/2017, Orthodox Study Bible, 1 John 2:24-27)

“Offerings for sin are no longer needed. But there is another kind of sacrifice that responds to Christ’s “once for all” sacrifice on the cross. It is the sacrifice of praise. The apostle writes, “By him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name (Hebrews 13:15). Christ’s self–offering marked the end of animal sacrifice. But it made it possible for us to “present our bodies” as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1). In this way our entire lives can become a “sacrifice of praise” to the One who redeemed us His once-for-all sacrifice for sin.” (Fr. Basil)

“By the power of His sacrifice Christ draws us into His own sacrificial action. The Church also offers sacrifice. However, the sacrifice offered by the Church and her members can only be an offering given in return to God on account of the riches of His goodness, mercy and love. This sacrifice is first of all, a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. It also has other forms, including commitment to the Gospel, loyalty to the true faith, constant prayer, fasting, struggles against the passions, and works of charity. At its deepest level, however, this offering in return (antiprosfora) is an act of kenosis (Lk 9.23-25). It is constituted by our willingness to lose our life in order to gain it (Mt 16.28).” (Rev. Alkiviadis Calivas)

“Does God need our praise? No. Do we need to praise God? Yes. Praise and communion with God and abiding in Him are closely linked. During the most sacred time in our Church service, when the Gifts are transformed into the body and blood of Christ so that we may receive Him in the Eucharist, the priest or deacon says, ‘Let us stand aright! Let us stand in awe! Let us be attentive, that we may present the Holy Offering in peace’ and the people respond, ‘a mercy of peace, a sacrifice of praise.’ Praise of God takes our mind and focus of ourselves. Praising God reminds us to be thankful for grace and blessing and not cynically dwell on the negative. Praising God molds our heart and allows us to participate in His joy and peace. It’s really not that much of a sacrifice except it is hard at first because of the sin in us, the infection of our heart and mind that needs healing through praising Him.” (Sacramental Living Ministries)

"Giving praise, as distinct from asking for something, in prayer, is something I tend to neglect, when I am caught up in my usual concerns...It is a common human tendency, I suppose, to be more aware of what we need, than of what we already have, thanks to the Lord’s abundant mercy and faith in us. So our prayers tend to look like shopping-lists of I need this and I need that, rather than praise-filled gratitude for His undying glory." (Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin)

“Dying to self is a progressive journey, and I have come to believe it is traveled only through praise.” (Merlin Carothers)

“Praising the name of God centers one’s thoughts on His character…Praise is a contradiction of pride.” (Foundation Study Bible, Psalms 113:2, Matt Redman)

“We should give thanks to Him, as it is said: ‘In everything give thanks’ (I Thess. 5:18). Closely linked to this phrase is another of St. Paul’s injunctions: ‘Pray without ceasing’ (I Thess. 5:17), that is, be mindful of God at all times, in all places, and in every circumstance. For no matter what you do, you should keep in mind the Creator of all things...if everything you do becomes for you an occasion for glorifying God, you will be praying unceasingly. And in this way your soul will always rejoice, as St. Paul commends (cf. I Thess. 5:16).” (St. Peter of Damaskos)

“Praise and thanks are key ingredients in a healthy relationship with God. We need them as much as we need fresh air. Praise isn’t just an outward gesture; it reveals what’s inside us—the attitude we have toward God.” (NIV Men's Devotional Bible)

“It is good to praise God amidst our pain no matter how hard it is or how counter intuitive it feels. The reason is because although God is not the cause of our pain, He permits it for our growth and well-being. Praising God during our painful trial helps us to see Him working in our lives and it eases the pain, and give us the strength to both endure it and, more importantly, let the Holy Spirit do His work to mold the pain into spiritual fruit.” (Sacramental Living Ministries)

“Sometimes praise is repetitively desperate, but it is often in these repetitious cries that purer praise is found.” (David Crowder)

“When we praise God we thank Him for our situation, not in spite of it.” (Merlin Carothers)

“It doesn’t take a major calamity to get us down; a petty annoyance will do nicely. A day, an entire week, indeed a lifetime, can be spoiled by a series of light and momentary troubles. While one believer praises God in the midst of terminal illness, another grumbles because of a runny nose. What’s the difference between these two lives? Attitude."'(Mike Mason)

“No matter what the circumstances are, “let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God” (Hebrews 13:15).” (Ron Rhodes)

"The chief purpose of life, for any one of us is to increase according to our capacity our knowledge of God by all the means we have, and to be moved by it to praise and thanks." (J.R.R. Tolkien)

“The light of God shining through one human being who knows the Lord spreads to another and another and another. Christ the Light of the world enables those He enlightens to worship, praise and give thanks. They are renewed and they renew many more.” (Dynamis 11/17/2012)

“Everything that God has created is like an orchestra praising Him." (Oswald Chambers)"When you see a beautiful painting, praise the artist. When you hear a beautiful song, praise the composer. When you experience beauty in nature, praise the Creator." (Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz)

“No matter what our circumstances, we should praise God. Others may come to Christ because of our example.” (Life Application Study Bible, Acts 16:22-25)


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