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“…we believe that this word of peace enters into the violence of history not as an idea but as a Person….The pervasive, cosmic peace we crave is a real force flowing from the Trinity, the fellowship of divine affection and generosity from whose overflow the whole of our existence was made. It settles wars, heals what is broken, redeems what is lost…When Jesus gives us His peace, it means He gives us Himself. That doesn’t exempt us from struggle here in the broken place; it promises us an alternate story singing in the midst of our darkness, a story that shows us a different way to live in the face of pain, that leads us to quiet in the midst of the storm and shows us the hard and holy road of hope. Jesus made the promise of peace to His disciples on the very eve of His death, in John 14. He opens that passage by telling them not to let their hearts “be troubled” because, I think, He knew how great and natural the urge to be profoundly, even wildly troubled would be.” (Sarah Clarkson)

“He is the Prince of Peace, but not of the illusion of peace that comes from satisfying our self-centered desires as we neglect the needs of others and refuse to see them as living icons of God. He is the Prince of Peace, but not of the illusion of peace that comes from projecting our hopes for wellbeing on the success of any agenda that operates according to the standards of a world enslaved to the fear of death. Christ’s peace is nothing less than sharing in His life to the point that we become those who will be blessed in His Kingdom: the poor in spirit; those who mourn their sins; the meek; those who hunger and thirst after righteousness; the merciful; those who acquire purity of heart; and the peacemakers. To know His peace is to become so much like Him in holiness that, regardless of what persecution and slander may come our way, we make even the deepest challenges of our lives points of entrance to the joyful blessedness of His Kingdom. (Matt. 5:3-12)” (Fr. Philip LeMasters)

“We Christians believe that our Lord Jesus Christ came into this world to save people by the example of His life, which He sacrificed for all mankind. Christ did not reject or condemn anyone. On the contrary, He called everyone to Himself: Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light (Mt. 11: 28–30). To be disciples of Christ means to follow His example, being zealous in prayer and practicing asceticism in order to acquire a meek, humble and peaceful heart, free from the passions that cause people to lose peace of mind.” (Metropolitan Seraphim Joanta)

“…in each human thing Christ, the incarnate God, did He blessed it, including sleep. His peaceful sleep in a world of trouble reminds us that all of life’s troubles are of limited duration and meaning. In Christ, we have the ability to unite ourselves to eternity, overcoming all the tribulations of the world (John 16:33)…In Christ, God becomes present in the most ordinary of human activities… when Jesus is tired he blesses fatigue, when He sleeps He blesses sleep too, and when He weeps He blesses tears…Even when we sleep or weep, Christ is with us.” (Nonna Verna Harrison, Fr. Ted Bobosh)

“The Trinitarian God perfectly epitomizes the essences of peace, beauty, goodness, wisdom, etcetera. Accordingly, when the Holy Spirit works these qualities into our lives, we participate in realities both transcendent and personal, which have their fullest expression in the Blessed Trinity, at once absolute perfection and absolute personality.” (Robin Phillips)

“One test of spiritual attainment is peace. Those who are truly advanced in the Spirit have peace of mind and share the peace of God… “Wherever God is — there is peace. And the opposite is self-evident: where there is envy, enmity, impatience, self-love — there is the devil. Wherever the devil is — there, everything is ruinous, proud and hostile.” (Fr. Basil, St. Anatoly of Optina)

“How do we attain peace? We put aside all…pride and hostility and destructiveness. And we acquire the virtue of contentment. Such peace of mind comes when we open our hands to receive whatever God wills to give us and when we open our hearts to receive nothing but Him. This serene attitude is in contrast to the ceaseless quest to have and hold by our own efforts. And it is the opposite of the claim that we have achieved what we have by our own works or worthiness. To gain contentment we might reflect on the truth that we have received from the Lord whatever wisdom, knowledge, and blessings that we have. Moreover, He has promised that He will supply whatever else that we need for eternal life and salvation. In this peace of mind and heart we can cultivate the virtues of humility and gratitude and so root out pride from our hearts.” (Fr. Basil)

“One of the key conditions we need to preserve the peace of Christ in us is to be free of external influences. It is imperative that we not look to others, to the world, or to our secular society to dictate the content and pace of our lives. We can determine the extent to which we will participate.” (Fr. Joshua Makoul)

“You may find temporary relief from pills from the drug store’s shelves, even stronger with a physician’s prescription. However, you will discover the glorious lasting peace offered by our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ, a peace transcending anything the world has to offer, by clearing your mind and heart from the clutter of remembered offenses done to you with the help of the Holy Spirit within your soul, sweeping away all the detritus of hurts no longer in your power to react to, and thank Christ for the overwhelming gift of affection symbolized in the Cross. Then while you are in Church, forget your watch and what is going on around you. Learn to imbibe the peace of God that surpasses the ability to understand what God is doing for you and with your acceptance. Even if it lasts but a moment, try to cling to it, thank Him for the feeling, and strive to keep it with you as long as you are able, as you return to the challenges of the world outside.” (Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky)

“ It is always easy to focus on what is going wrong and to obsess about what we may lose in the future. While we cannot fully control our thoughts or feelings, Saint Paul tells us that we can mindfully offer our deepest concerns to Christ “in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving…” That is how “your requests [may] be made known to God” Whose peace “which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” This is what we must do in order to share in the life of a Savior Who conquers death, which is at the root of the dark impulses that lead to so much wickedness in the futile effort to raise ourselves up out of the pit of despair. Only the Lord Who refused the temptation to gain worldly power throughout His ministry has the power to overcome the meaninglessness of the grave. By offering Himself fully for our salvation on the Cross and rising in glory on the third day, He has destroyed the very basis of the fear that makes true peace impossible for those who live according to the standards of our world of corruption.” (Fr. Philip LeMasters)

“The peace of God is a beautiful thing; it is there for each of us if we desire it. Assuredly, just as we miss the sound of a gentle wind blowing through the trees during a busy day, so we miss and take for granted the peace of God that is all around us. It is as close to us as a breeze brushing across our face. It is as close to us as the present moment, yet we often look for it in the past and future.” (Fr. Joshua Makoul)

“Foremost among these fruits is the restorative peace of God that fills our hearts when we focus upon Him. The peace of God is our remedy to all the barriers that potentially stand in our way of attaining a closer communion with Christ, the crucified and risen Lord. In his letter to the Philippians, St. Paul describes the peace of God as a peace which passes all understanding, and which keeps our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (4:7). Through daily prayer and communal worship, we grow in our realization of His perfect peace. In turn, we enhance our relationships with others, for only with a peaceful heart may we cultivate the love, trust, and mutual respect among our neighbors which Christ commands us to develop (Matthew 22:39, John 15:17)… With the peace of God also comes great spiritual liberation.” (Archbishop Demetrios)

“Despite all the wonders of medical science conquering the many diseases, they cannot “heal the brokenhearted.” That phrase describes the anguish, grief, self-pity and suffering that is both spiritual and psychological. What medication can be prescribed for a tormented soul? What is the pill that offers bliss to the miserable? Who but God alone can bring joy to a wounded heart, and how does He do that other than to convey it through us? And when you find such a heart overwhelmed with joy, laughing when there’s nothing funny, just from sheer delight, sensing love and returning that love, when such a heart is filled with serenity, the peace of God that passes beyond all understanding, at one with God and all others…” (Very Rev. Vladimir Berzonsky)

“God’s peace is a gift of God, part of His grace. The peace of God is more than a mere feeling; it is given to those who genuinely desire God and a life in communion with Him. The peace of God comes from continual awareness of God, of His presence, and from communion with Him through prayer. It is a quiet contentment and joy that comes from knowing that God is present. The peace of God cannot coexist with fear or anxiety.” (Fr. Joshua Makoul)

“Imagine a child who is lost and confused, and then suddenly his father appears on the scene. Even though the child may still be confused about where he is, the presence of his father causes him to be flooded with a sense of incredible peace. That is how the remembrance of God can be for us: when we turn to Him in our difficulties, we can experience a peace that is not dependent on understanding where we are, where we are headed, or how everything will eventually work out. In God’s arms, we can be like a little child whose entire experience is bathed in his parents’ love.” (Robin Phillips)

“How dangerous it is for our salvation, how unworthy of God and of ourselves, how pernicious even for the peace of our hearts, to want always to stay where we are! Our whole life was only given us to advance us by great strides toward our heavenly country." (François Fénelon)

“Abba Poemen said of Abba John the Dwarf that he had prayed God to take his passions away from him so that he might become free from care. He went and told an old man this; 'I find myself in peace, without an enemy,' he said. The old man said to him, 'Go beseech God to stir up warfare so that you may regain the affliction and humility that you used to have, for it is by warfare that the soul makes progress.' So he besought God and when warfare came, he no longer prayed that it might be taken away, but said, 'Lord, give me strength for the fight.’” (St. John Kolovos)

“ "Many people," a modern spiritual writer says, "have the virtue of humility in some circumstances. They then succumb to a supposed demand of their social stature or profession and, under the guise of 'social necessity' or 'professionalism,' become arrogant in other circumstances. This is much like mixing soil and water in a container. When the container is untouched and at rest, the soil will settle and the water will remain sweet. But if the container is agitated, then the water and the soil are mixed and become mud. The mud then dries, the water evaporates, and only soil is left. Thus only a person of true peace, incapable of agitation, can actually maintain humble virtue, meanwhile tolerating in himself any ostensibly worldly behavior.” (V. Rev. Chrysostomos)

“Adversarial conflict is our present reality (Luke 12:58-59). Families are torn apart and fragmented by hate (Luke 12:52-53). Every disciple needs to be aware of the conditions that set “father . . . against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother” (Luke 12: 53). Very often the conflict seems to come not from unseen, demonic foes, but from those near and dear to us. People we rely upon fail us, and we betray our friends. Yes, people wrong us, and we in turn wrong others. This is the present spiritual war. In the no-man’s land where we are often caught up in a spiritual crossfire between hate and wrong, we survive by speaking the truth, by loving and forgiving. The Lord teaches us how to stay alive in a war zone: “When you pray, say . . . forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us” (Luke 11:2, 4).” (Dynamis 11/11/2020)

“…true joy, and true peace are found only in Him. We cannot achieve them on our own by following a code of conduct, even one in the Scriptures. Only by humbling ourselves and admitting what it is within us that needs to be cured can that cure be received. Only when we understand that the first one to fail before the standard by which we judge others is we ourselves can we give up on such a standard, and freely receive the blessings which Christ lavishes upon each and every one of us, and be worthy of them by being thankful for them. Only when I accept that I am the bad person in a world of the blessed can Christ begin to heal and reshape me into the person whom He always intended for me to be.” (Father Stephen De Young)

“Our spirit is saddened, everything is sorrow and suffering. You have seen for yourself: when you are in a state of peace, all is well, but here in this life, such peace does not last for long. It is disturbed very easily. For this reason we must always be in contact with the Source of life, with God—always, without ceasing.” (Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica)

“For it is true that peace and joy is the greatest wealth for a Christian both in this world and the next. We all long for it. We can have many material things, we can have everything we want, but it is all in vain if we do not have peace. And peace comes from the Fountain of Peace, from the Lord.” (Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica)

“… the Lord Jesus directs the disciples to maintain His peace within themselves. They desperately need His peace if they are to survive the time between His going away and His coming back (vss. 14:27-31). We likewise need His peace if we are to survive this present dark age.” (Dynamis 6/1/2020)

“…we discover the key to facing every trial that comes to us during this life. We gain and hold onto the Lord Jesus’ peace only by abiding in Him. In this message lies the secret of how not to be troubled. We begin by recognizing the peace of the Lord as a unique type of peace, not to be confused with the term used by the world to describe a non-warring condition between nations and groups during which violence and civil commotion remain at a minimum. Christ’s peace is a condition of the heart that exists when the love of God is known and returned to Him (John 14:28). Within our Christian communities, peace is the natural, God-given concomitant of holy communion and fellowship.” (Dynamis 6/1/2020)

“Justice and peace do not come with revolution, but when the Holy Spirit transforms the hearts of men and women." (Abbot Tryphon)

“In this life we must prepare ourselves for life in the Heavenly Kingdom and we must attain Divine peace. No one can give us that peace; only God can give peace to created beings and to us if we seek Him and long for Him with all our heart and if we desire to become one with Him. He wants our souls to be united with Him, with His Divine will. He wants our entire being to become one with Him in order that we may feel the joy of living. We, on the other hand, get very involved in this material life and we have no time to think about our soul, about our inner peace. We are always shattering our inner peace.” (Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica)

“We don’t find peace by everything outside ourselves being perfect, but by acquiring an internal mindset that enables us to be wise rather than merely shrewd.” (Father Barnabas Powell)

“Before we can have peace on a macro level (the world), we must learn to find peace on a micro level (within ourselves and with those around us). Before we can talk about peace in the world, we must find peace within ourselves.” (Fr. Stavros N. Akrotirianakis)

“Now a peacemaker is a man who gives peace to another, but one cannot give another what he himself does not possess. Hence the Lord wants you first to be yourself filled with the blessings of peace, and then to communicate it to those who have need of it...” (St. Gregory of Nyssa)

“…true peace will not be produced by getting what we want in every situation. It can only result from placing primary value on what we believe God wants of us (obedience), being in true solidarity with others in life (community), and doing everything in a spirit of love (the greatest law of life).” (Robert J. Wicks)

"By choosing what is good and in accordance with the teachings of Christ, one gains peace and life. Conversely, by choosing that which goes against the commandments of God, one brings anguish, destruction, and death upon oneself and one’s surroundings." (Archimandrite Sergius)

“According to the Orthodox Study Bible, Jerusalem means “foundation of peace.” Christ is the Prince of Peace. When He came to bring His peace to the city, to what was supposed to be the place of peace (Luke 19:41-44), He wept and lamented that the city did not recognize “the things that make for your peace” (Luke 19:42). So it often goes with us. We do not recognize that it is Him that makes for our peace and we seek inner peace and tranquility in other ways that may work for a time but the consistent peace of Christ eludes us because we do not recognize that He is the true source of peace.” (Sacramental Living Blog)

"Let me be reminded that any loss of peace I feel is not a sign of any lack in God, but of a lack in me; a loss of focus in me. Because He remains the same, in perfect and omniscient peace, and in His perfect willingness to impart His peace on me." (Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin)

“Most of us are familiar with the hymn of the Angels at the Nativity. Most often we remember it as “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men.” This translation denotes that God’s gift of peace is for all people. Certainly, His wish is for peace to reign among all people. But the most correct translation of this phrase is “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace among men with whom He is pleased!” In this translation, we learn that peace is not a right granted to everyone who merely lives and breathes, but rather it is a Gift, a Fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22) that is bestowed upon those who please God. Peace is a trait that is cultivated by each person, and those who cultivate it well, reap the fruit of their work.” (Fr. Stavros N. Akrotirianakis)

“Peace is the integrity and health of the soul; to lose peace is to lose spiritual health.” (St. John of Kronstadt)

“There are two kinds of peace. False peace…is a shallow harmony that results from ignoring issues of truth. Genuine peace is reconciliation to God through faith in Christ and surrender to truth. Genuine peace has division as a byproduct because not everyone wants truth. In the fallen world, divisions are necessary for truth to be manifest” (The Orthodox Study Bible, Luke 12:51)

“It would be a great lie to tell searching souls: ‘Go to church, because there you will find peace.’ The opposite is true. The Church tells those who are at peace and asleep: ‘Go to church, because there you will feel real anguish for your sins, for your perdition, for the world’s sins and perdition. There you will feel an unappeasable hunger for Christ’s truth. There, instead of becoming lukewarm, you will be set on fire; instead of pacified, you will become alarmed; instead of learning the wisdom of this world you will become fools for Christ.” (St. Maria of Paris)

“How can there be peace, when people are not reconciled with God? Only when man is reconciled with God can inward and outward peace come. But for us to be reconciled with God, we must first attain awareness, we must repent, we must live in accordance with God’s commandments, and then the Grace and peace of God will enter into us, enabling us to also help create peace around us.” (Elder Paisios of Mount Athos)

"When we look at the statistics we find greater mental illness and dissatisfaction in affluent countries and there is a higher frequency of marital breakdown amongst the rich than the poor. Of course the reality behind these statistics may be complicated, but the simple fact is that the lives of wealthy people are not full of peace." (Father Spyridon Baily)

“There is a spiritual peace that can only come from God. This peace passes all understanding, because it is neither a military peace nor a material peace. For those who know the peace of God, they have this intangible quality about them. They almost seem to rise above petty conflict. This kind of peace is cultivated through prayer and meditation on the scriptures. It is also found in service to others.” (Fr. Stavros N. Akrotirianakis)

“The commandment not to worry is contrary to reason. It is part of the “foolishness of God” which is “wiser than the wisdom of men,” (cf 1 Corinthians 1:25). Actually, I’ve put it badly. The commandment is not contrary to reason. It is above reason. It transcends it. It makes sense only if the horizons of reason are extended farther out than the mind, unaided by grace “can see it. In other words, the commandment “do not worry” can be kept only by people of faith and hope. Only a trusting heart can hear the Lord’s words and keep them with that peace of mind..." (Hieromonk Maximos)

“Fear is a powerful enemy of our faith and a strong deterrent to the believer’s peace of mind…We can overcome fear by trusting God for his protection in our darkest hour... Faith in God keeps us from losing hope and helps us resist fear…yet faith needs time to mature.” (Life Application Study Bible, Isaiah 8:11-15, Psalm 3:1-2, Psalms 11:1-4, 1 Timothy 3:1-6)

“Too often I am self-seeking in prayer. I seek Jesus wanting to know His will for me because I want peace of mind and heart, no anxiety, a healing in thought or body for myself and/or others, or something. It’s really hard for me to just truly want to be in relationship with Him with no strings attached and let Him direct my life as He wills. It’s hard for me to let my life and what I do be a by-product of a right relationship with Him. Too often I want things on my terms and unconsciously, or consciously, seek Him in prayer to sanction and support my desires. Too often I fall into this mindset before I wake up and realize that even though I want do good things I am actually trying to direct my own life and essentially asking Him if He’ll support it.” (Sacramental Living)

“If one opens his mind and heart to accept the gift of the Holy Spirit in the belief in the True God, he will realize a great difference in himself, having peace of mind and harmony of living which bring about a living faith.” (Rev. George Mastrantonis)

“Real peace comes from faith in God, because He alone embodies all the characteristics of peace. To find peace of mind and peace with others, you must find peace with God…For true peace lies in a noetic union with Christ and wells up from deep down inside the core of one’s being. It is a peace arising from oneness of heart with Him Who said, “My peace I give to you” (Life Application Study Bible, Psalms 122:6-9, Dynamis 2/10/13)

“To be at peace is to have peace inside yourself more or less in spite of what is going on outside yourself.” (Frederick Buechner)

“…we don’t find peace by following a philosophy or an idea or religious practices, but through knowing Him. If I am ever to escape a life of quiet desperation, it will be by embracing my true purpose in life—by following Him.” (Father Barnabas Powell)

“Peace” is a gift that comes from outside me, from “the God of peace” (Rom 15: 33), when I hand myself over to communion with Him. His peace enables me, first, to make peace with myself, and then to carry it beyond myself, in forgiveness and acceptance of others." (Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin)

“…the peace of the Lord as a unique type of peace, not to be confused with the term used by the world to describe a non-warring condition between nations and groups during which violence and civil commotion remain at a minimum. Christ’s peace is a condition of the heart that exists when the love of God is known and returned to Him (John 14:28).” (OCPM 5/29/2017)

“Jesus had peace even though He knew He would die. He was full of Spirit-breathed life despite being disliked and misunderstood and rejected. And now He longs to provide his peace and rest for us in the midst of our suffering.” (Marlena Graves)

“Peacemakers are people who, through making peace with God, have finally learned how to admit flaws and weakness, how to surrender their pride, how to love without the need to control every can find true peace in Christ when he wholeheartedly submits to God’s will and forsakes his own." (Pastor Timothy Keller, Archimandrite Sergius)

“The Old Testament term for “peace” meant soundness or completeness. Just as man can never be truly at peace apart from his Creator, so a nation of sinful humanity cannot truly achieve peace apart from God. Men or nations will be rebellious, self-centered, and at odds with each other unless their harmony with God is restored. This can only happen when, person by person, peace is provided by the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.” (Foundation Study Bible, Isaiah 2:4)

"It takes humility to get past your self-centered passions and submit to God...humility overcomes all the passions. Anger, avarice, lust, greed, despondency, hatred, the remembrance of wrongs— all these spring from a deep- seated ingratitude and a blinding love of self. To be humble, on the other hand, is to live in a joyful and peaceful state of thankfulness...humility is the true avenue to inner peace and satisfaction." (Sacramental Living blog, Archimandrite Vassilios Papavassiliou, Protostavrophor Vojislav Dosenovich)

“Prayer is not about asking for things, but about relationship. It is the vehicle that takes us into the heart of God, where we find a peace “which surpasses all understanding” (Phil. 4:7)” (Abbot Tryphon)

"Today let me begin my day with putting God in the center of everything. I hand over to Him all my concerns, as I do the next right thing today, in my work and other responsibilities. “Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,” I say to Him today, “as we forgive those who trespass against us.” That’s what He teaches me to be concerned about today, as He continues to provide for me, in His light and His peace." (Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin)

“The peace of God that is revealed by Christ is a peace that we can have no matter the conditions of life, society, or level of security. It is a peace that comes through faith as we trust in the promises of God. As we see in Christ and in the lives of many Saints, it is a peace that stands in the face of great adversity, that is not dependent on any temporal security of life, status or property, but is strengthened by the hope we have in the grace of God.” (Archbishop Demetrios)

"The Saints owed to their confidence in God that unalterable tranquillity of soul, which procured their perpetual joy and peace, even in the midst of adversities." (St. Alphonsus)

“In what sense was Jesus’ yoke easy? The yoke emphasizes the challenges, work, and difficulties of partnering with Christ in life. Responsibilities weigh us down, even the effort of staying true to God. But Jesus’ yoke remains easy compared to the crushing alternative. Jesus doesn’t offer a life of luxurious ease—the yoke is still an oxen’s tool for working hard. But it’s a shared yoke, with weight falling on bigger shoulders than yours. Someone with more pulling power is up front helping. Suddenly you are participating in life’s responsibilities with a great Partner—and now that frown can turn into a smile, and that gripe into a song.” (Life Application Study Bible, Matthew 11:30)

“We all need a good dose of silent prayer each and every day. Finding that perfect place in your home that can become your cave, or prayer closet, will afford you sacred space where you can go deep into your heart and connect with God. It is the place where you can close off your family, your worries, your job, and your distractions, and go deep into your heart, where you will find the peace that comes from Christ.” (Abbot Tryphon)

“We never lose who we are as persons in this growth and union with Christ - just the opposite. We realize more and more of our true selves. It’s the complete reverse of what we see in Scriptures when someone is possessed by a demon and has lost their identity. Union with God, or allowing ourselves to be possessed by Him so to speak, brings nothing but joy, peace, and full realization of who we are and are meant to be in this life.” (Sacramental Living Ministries)

“Forgetting that the Lord is near, that God is with us, that in Christ Jesus death has been conquered and evil overthrown, is what allows the unpeace and anxiety that lead to violence to enter our minds and hearts. Remembering the nearness of God and the forgiveness that we have received through the Cross, trusting God in every circumstance of our lives, bearing the name of Jesus on our lips—these are the things that conquer anxiety and lead to peace and allow God himself to be the guardian of our hearts.” (Bishop John Michael Botean)

“Note that the apostle does not call “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” gifts, but rather the fruit of the Spirit (vss. 22-23). Fruit needs protection against insects and predators. Fertilizer is required to produce healthy, diseaseresistant fruit. Weeds must be kept down so that water and air free of pollutants may feed the trees and aid the fruiting. Likewise with the virtues: the Spirit does His part; we must do ours.” (OCPM 12/4/2015)

“Many people cry out for comfort, security, and relief, but they haven’t taken the first steps to turn away from sin and open the channels to God. They have not repented and trusted in Him. If you want true peace, seek God first. Then He will give you His peace.” (Life Application Study Bible, Isaiah 48:22)

"...peace is a very wonderful, but sadly, a very elusive thing in the current climate of our world. Still, our Christian vocation is to strive for peace at all costs." (Marianne C. Sailus)

“The personal acquisition of peace begins with repentance, that moment when we have a change of mind and decide to follow the path to wholeness.” (Abbot Tryphon)

“In Christianity we are taught sin is a condition of the world and the cause of human suffering. We are also taught Christ defeated sin and redeemed suffering through the cross and now our suffering can be transformative. Many of us reject this because it is not the answer we want to the condition of evil and suffering. Who would want this answer? Who wants to suffer or see someone suffer? Most of us want a world without pain…but at the same time, we need to be careful of not falling into the mental trap of thinking reality should work according to our will. There is something bigger going on and we find greater peace in accepting our part and limitations as we strive to be as loving and good as possible in Christ.” (Sacramental Living)

“My heart goes out to all those who’ve lost everything, and I pray daily for the suffering peoples all over the world. Yet I remain peaceful in my heart because I place myself in the presence of God every day and stay focused on all that I am thankful for.” (Abbot Tryphon)

“Real peace is to be found only in the meeting of man with God. By having this divine peace, we have everything and become fearless before every aggression and every enemy. By having the peace of God, we can then have peace with our follow human beings.” (Orthodox Agape)

“The end result of the Holy Sprit’s work in our lives is a deep and lasting peace. Unlike worldly peace, which is usually defined as absence of conflict, this peace is confident assurance in any circumstance; with Christ’s peace, we have no need to fear the present or the future. Sin, fear, uncertainty and doubt and numerous other forces are at war within us. The peace of God moves into our hearts and lives to restrain the hostile forces and offer comfort in place of conflict.” (Life Application Study Bible, John 14:27)

“We were made for God and nothing else will really satisfy us." (Brennan Manning)

“As we enter into the holiday season, our stress level tends to increase, leading to conflict. Worries about finances, interactions with certain family members who are not usually a part of our everyday lives, and holiday shopping and cooking obligations can lead to increased tension between members of families. Husbands and wives can find themselves arguing about petty things, children can become disobedient, and family arguments can overwhelm the peace that should reign during the holy season of the fast and the Nativity celebrations.” (Abbot Tryphon)

“The story of the birth of Christ and its true significance is often clouded by the commercialism of the season. There is a very frenzied pace to these days which can so easily depersonalize us and dampen the true joy of the season…What can we do? Let us remember that the season celebrates the love of God revealed in the coming of Christ. For those with faith, the colored lights, the green trees, the wreaths and the flowers are the symbols of the joy of Christmas. Let us celebrate the joy of Christ’s coming!” (Reverend Thomas Fitzgerald)

“The first step is to slow down the pace. That allows you to be fully present, to be mindful, to be intentional, to create space, and to notice where God is working and join him in that work.” (Keri Wyatt Kent)

“God will never adjust His agenda to fit ours. He will not speed up His pace to catch up with ours; we need to slow our pace in order to recover our walk with Him. God will not scream and shout over the noisy clamor; He expects us to seek quietness, where His still small voice can be heard again.” (Charles Swindoll)

“Too often we rush through our days, barely touching anyone’s life…we should take the time to weave our lives into others’ through close personal relationships.” (Life Application Study Bible, 2 Timothy 4:19-22)

#ReverendThomasFitzgerald #KeriWyattKent #CharlesSwindoll #BrennanManning #OrthodoxAgape #MarianneCSailus #BishopJohnMichaelBotean #StAlphonsus #ArchbishopDemetrios #AbbotTryphon #SrDrVassaLarin #ArchimandriteVassiliosPapavassiliou #FrVojislavDosenovich #PastorTimothyKeller #ArchimandriteSergius #FrederickBuechner #FatherBarnabasPowelll #OCPM #MarlenaGraves #HieromonkMaximos #LifeApplicationStudyBible #SacramentalLiving #RevGeorgeMastrantonis #Dynamis #StMariaofParis #ElderPaisiosofMountAthos #FatherSpyridonBaily #FrStavrosNAkrotirianakis #SacramentalLivingMinistries #StJohnofKronstadt #ElderThaddeusofVitovnica #StGregoryofNyssa #RobertJWicks #FrançoisFénelon #StJohnKolovos #VRevChrysostomos #FatherStephenDeYoung #FrJoshuaMakoul #ArchbishopDemetrios #FrVladimirBerzonsky #RobinPhillips #FrBasil #StAnatolyofOptina #FrPhilipLeMasters #SarahClarkson #MetropolitanSeraphimJoanta #NonnaVernaHarrison #FrTedBobosh

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