Faith and Works
“Faith, like hope and love, is a person’s internal state; it is essential that it be manifested in his behavior and works. The Lord...
Spiritual Warfare
“So, attention is the central point of spiritual warfare, the focus of Christian life, the criterion and measure of salvation of the...
“So the criteria by which we are judged is our acts of love, or our lack of these acts of love. Through these acts of charity such as...
Fire and Light
“God is consuming fire. When an object touches fire, it is changed: either it is burned up, or it is tempered. So too, a man, in touching...
Truth (About Ourselves)
“If the Sunday of the Dread Judgment seems harsh and merciless and unloving to us — if it seems perhaps to even be speaking of some other...
Love (Worldly)
“… together with this law of self-sacrifice, there’s another universal law—the law of self-preservation. Here the law of love is as if...
“There has only ever been one door in all of history that truly mattered: the door of Christ’s Empty Tomb. It is that place where that...
“Art, for example, being a distinctive characteristic of human personhood, by denying or even destroying all forms of the given reality...
Jesus Prayer
“If I sit down to say the Jesus Prayer [Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner] I will very quickly have certain kinds...
Grace (Willingness to Receive)
“All the Christians of St. John’s time, by “receiving of His fullness,” the “grace for grace,” actually shared in what the Logos...