Spiritual Struggles
“In order to encounter God, we must be sincere in prayer…Know that the road we travel in our spiritual life in order to encounter God and...
Repentance (and Remorse)
“Remorse consists of an emotional acknowledgement of an error which arises from a subjective identification of the subjective with the...
Prayer (Being Prayer and Living Prayer)
“Prayer is an encounter with God. It’s not just a question of sacred duty, not some kind of religious obligation, and even less is it...
“…modern language is extremely impoverished in its spiritual vocabulary. The culture has been overwhelmed by the ideas and concepts of...
“Forgiveness is so terribly hard. On a psychological level, it feels dangerous. The shame engendered by any insult or injury is our...
“Many people indeed live lives of “quiet desperation” simply because they have no hope and cannot imagine where hope would begin. The...
“In times of adversity, we can find solace in the words of St. Isaac the Syrian. He wrote, “In love did He bring the world into...
“God and man looked at one another when Christ revealed Himself in truth to men…Through Christ we see as in a mirror the spotless and...
“There is only one God, so that God is the God of every human being no matter what they believe or do. There is only one mediator between...
“Humanity has grappled with the mystery of integrity for ages. The question begged by the preceding statement is, “Integrity to what?”...