Spiritual Litmus Tests
“A litmus test, technically about acidity or alkalinity, has evolved into slang used on the context of something being the ultimate...
Order and Disorder
“Have you seen how, with creation, when God wished to make creation, with how much harmony and godly wisdom everything was put together,...
“We’re frightened and weak people, living in uncertainty and fear. And if you ask, no one will say: “I want to feel pain!” No one wants...
Body and Soul/Spiritual and Physical
“That the soul is superior to the body is an assumption based in Hellenistic philosophy and is a bit dualistic as the bible presents...
Theosis/Union with God (2)
“Jesus Christ, by His Incarnation, life, death on the cross, Resurrection, and ascension, overcame sin and death by recreating and...
Idle Talk
“Our tongue is set in motion by nothing else but the heart. All the superfluousness accumulated in the heart is poured out by the tongue,...
God's Love
“As soon as the Lord looked upon this paralyzed man and looked upon the faith of those who brought Him, He immediately said to the man...
Attention and Distraction
“St. Peter — always the most zealous of the disciples — then made an extremely bold reply: “Lord, if it be Thou, bid me come unto Thee on...
“From a lack of contentment comes death…What we see in the Garden is paradise. A place of intimate and immediate communion with God,...
“We have within us the beginning of the Divine—the ability to recognize the uncreated God, sensing His presence in our lives and trusting...