“In his disobedience and expulsion from Paradise, man lost the grace of the Holy Spirit (My Spirit shall not remain)…Without the grace of...
Walking with God (Integrated Life)
“If we find that we too are limping along in our walk with the Lord, then we might ask ourselves whether unknowingly or not, we have...
Troubles and Trials
“… when we deal with suffering it can be difficult to understand and convey why things are happening. St. Paul writes of suffering (and...
Faith and Choice
“As we tend to center our world (and ourselves) in the question of our choices, we are constantly tempted to justify those we feel were...
“Christ has come according to the power given Him from the Almighty Father, and has summoned people to friendship, blessing, repentance,...
“The idea that one might teach anyone about the Lord seems absurd if we look at the task soberly. However, the teaching of the faith...
“We hear it frequently remarked that it matters not what one believes if he does right. But if one does not believe right, he does not do...
“There is a happiness that comes from weakness, a happiness that is often called joy. When I am weak, St. Paul said, then God is strong...
Heart (Hardened and Rebellious)
“…we must beware of the hardening of our hearts (Hebrews 3:15). In Greek, the word “harden” refers to “making stubborn” or...
“God . . . set no limits for any of us on the spiritual plane . . . We are called to eternal life in the Kingdom of our Father which is...