Sacred Space
“The narrative of Creation is the story of God creating a sacred space in which to dwell with His creation, humanity…What we see in...
Suffering (Accepting or Avoiding It)
“We know that the Lord is anointed by the Father so that He may actualize the kingdom of life in this world through His suffering and...
Love and Spiritual Gifts
“The gifts of the Spirit, wonderful as they are, are temporary and incomplete. They are for this age, while we are “children” (1...
“My family members are weak and sinning human beings who, by definition of living in a fallen state, will wound and seriously offend me....
“The adversary sows his half-truths in any of us who are willing to listen.” (Dynamis 1/9/2021) “Truth or Consequences was an old...
“We put a lot of time and effort into achieving balance in our lives. What do we mean by balance? Is our notion of what balance is for...
Mind of Christ
“St. Paul called “that mindset which was in Christ Jesus,” the phronema Christou (Phil. 2.5).”…Our phronema is our mindset, but mental...
“There is a big difference between having compulsions and being a slave to them. We share in Christ’s victory over sin through our union...
“It is that divine initiative, that self-offering by God Himself, which elicits from us faith manifested as repentance and good deeds....
“The Holy Spirit, one of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity comes to abide in us, God’s people, if we are receptive to having the...