Worth and Worthiness
“Due to significantly painful experiences, we may even lose trust in God. Many struggle to make sense of the trials and tribulations in...
Pain (Emotional)
“Our minds seek to release and resolve emotional pain. God created us this way. We have a natural leaning towards healing that which is...
Letting Go
“Acquisition and its strategies obviously have a role in life. It is important to pursue and acquire good nutrition, reasonable health, a...
“Freedom is an essential characteristic of the Christian life Christ promised that the truth would set us free…The experience of freedom...
““The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”(Psalm 14:1). This verse is not so much about principled atheists,...
“…it is in our nature to aim toward what is good, true, and beautiful. But the impulse toward the good often misfires as we follow after...
"Organized Religion"
“Social scientists have been telling us that people are more and more interested in being spiritual, and less and less interested in...
Judgment Seat of Christ
“What is the meaning of Jesus’ statement “I do not judge anyone”? [John 8:15] It is clear that Jesus did judge (even in the next verse)...
Contagious Faith
“Sin remains an affront to the holy God. It alienates us from God again as if Christ had not reconciled us to our Creator. So it puts us...
Storms of Life
“To the Hebrews, the sea was a frightening place, full of chaos and death. To be cast into the sea was to sink down into Hades…God is the...