“Genuine love is expressed in deeds, and not in words alone. It is expressed through what one actually does in one’s life. It is...
“Some of what we experience of God still remains a mystery despite our entering into that mystery. Human logic is not able to account for...
Sin, Nature, and Will
“The worst conclusion to draw is the notion of a “sin nature” (a horrible theological error). A “nature” (by definition) is “what a thing...
Spiritual Blindness and Deafness
“There are both different degrees of blindness as well as different kinds of blindness. There is physical blindness in which the eyes...
“Many societies have pushed against their boundaries. France and Germany notoriously battled over what, exactly, was to constitute their...
God's Personal Nature
“God is not a static object. He is personal and therefore acts in freedom. We can know or perceive Him because He makes Himself known. By...
Healing and Wounds
“How can we pray when we feel overwhelmed by forces we cannot manage, when our vigor and capabilities are insufficient to meet the...
“A ship without an anchor runs the risk of being dashed against the rocks along a coast. When people without hope are faced with the...
Wisdom (2)
“… the acquisition of wisdom is always conditional, for God makes wisdom available only when two major “ifs” apply to us: “if [we] call...
“I will tell you a true story. When I was a deacon many years ago, we met for daily matins at 6:00 am every day. We had a young man in...