Perfect Love
“God, the Holy Trinity, is perfect love. As Gregory of Nyssa observes, the Holy Trinity “is a sort of continuous and indivisible...
Love (and to be Loved)
“If there is one resilient and God given aspect of us that has remained intact throughout history and time, it is our innate desire to...
“…we see in Paul’s words, “Scripture confined all under sin” (Galatians 3:22). The Greek word “confined” comes from the root “to shut up...
Objectifying People
“The normal mode of “seeing” in our daily world can be called “objective.” We see things as objects, and nothing more. Indeed, we see...
“Jesus presents a serious logical dilemma for his adversaries – if my miracles are a sign of God’s presence, then why do you not believe?...
Repentance (Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions)
“Repentance is to do the works of God rather than the works of the devil. Sin is much more a state of being, a demonic force, than it is...
“We are lulled into a form of complacency by our culture’s exaltation of “objective” knowledge. We fail to notice that, even in very...
“People can memorize huge portions of Scripture, read the Bible from cover to cover a dozen times, learn all of the intricacies of...
“St Paul notes that he dies to himself daily in order to serve the Lord Jesus. He is, of course, speaking in a spiritual sense about...
Service and Others
“Called by Isaiah “the just One who serves many well” (Is 53:11), Christ reveals through His life and teaching the high calling of...