“…the Lord taught that the purity that the Jewish Law sought to preserve does not come from outside ourselves. It comes from the inside,...
“Christianity is seen as a cohesive way of life that encompasses the whole of a person.” (Fr. Stephen De Young) “Christianity does not...
Faith as Communion
“… man has a capacity (in incapacity) for faith. Thanks to his ekstatic personhood man confronts nothingness not as a sort of acceptable...
Kingdom of God/Heaven
“The mystery of the Kingdom of God is made known to a heart that asks, that seeks, that knocks. It is a heart that has returned to the...
“The fall arises out of man’s free decision to reject personal communion with God and restrict himself to the autonomy and...
“In the Christian (or post-Christian) West, declaring death in battle to be a sacrifice necessarily links it to Christ’s archetypical...
“Christ brings to an end all the divisions which have separated humans…Christ brings together all things (symbol [symbolos]) bringing to...
Heart (Good and Bad)
“Real life is lived in the depths of our heart, as is our hell and our paradise. That is where the battle is fought between our good and...
Perfect Love
“God, the Holy Trinity, is perfect love. As Gregory of Nyssa observes, the Holy Trinity “is a sort of continuous and indivisible...
Love (and to be Loved)
“If there is one resilient and God given aspect of us that has remained intact throughout history and time, it is our innate desire to...