“In the hours of difficulty and doubt, in times of sadness and tragedy, and when it seemed that what I had to offer as a young man and...
“In the tradition of the early Church, the focus was on the healing of the whole person, body, mind, and spirit, accomplished by a...
“God writes upon our hearts the knowledge of His will… Our hearts must yearn for the things of God. The hunger to do His will is the...
Bad Things Happening
“Prayer is the way to experience a powerful confidence that God is handling our lives well, that our bad things will turn out for good,...
Suffering (Perspective)
“We must not be distressed by anything that happens to us, even if it affects our present weaknesses. For although we don’t know why...
“My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment (James 3:1)”. Teachers are often...
“Mary's faithful response is that of highest obedience to God. The Incarnation is not only the work of God, but it involves the free...
“Paul underscores Christ's willingness to share in our weakness, when he writes, "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to...
Joy and Happiness - Part 1
“…we have a misleading idea at the very head of our Constitution: the pursuit of happiness. One can not pursue happiness; if he does he...
“The Apostle Paul also urgently advises us to resist submitting mindlessly to “the affairs of this life” (2 Timothy 2:4). Fruitful effort...