“The opposite of autonomy is theonomy. This is the belief that the fulfillment of human existence, while it begins in this world, is...
Sabbath (Rest)
“God finished the making of heaven and earth for man's sake. He rested from His creative activity on the seventh day to show His love and...
Prayer (Asking for Things)
“What is prayer? Prayer is doxology, praise, thanksgiving, confession, supplication and intercession to God…Prayer is the way to renewal...
Orientation (To Work and Tasks)
“Christians see the same facts as the non-Christian, in other words, but because of this worldview we see them differently; we see them...
“It is by coming to know Christ that we understand what our purpose is as human persons made in the image of God. It is by coming to know...
“I have often thought that people generally have narrow interests. We want to work, to play, to love our family, to live in peace with...
“…if the beauty and glory of Christ do not capture our imaginations, dominate our waking thought, and fill our hearts with longing and...
“There are very few people who come to their senses, very few who understand life. We pray with our lips only, and we hurry through our...
“Fear is a powerful enemy of our faith and a strong deterrent to the believer’s peace of mind… Faith in God keeps us from losing hope and...
Chance and Randomness
“I consider myself a pretty devout Christian—I’ve centered not only my career, but also my life around Christ and the Church. Many times...