“St. John Chrysostom writes an encomium of Abraham, pointing out that nothing in his life prepared him for such faithfulness to God. For,...
“Many people indeed live lives of “quiet desperation” simply because they have no hope and cannot imagine where hope would begin. The...
“God and man looked at one another when Christ revealed Himself in truth to men…Through Christ we see as in a mirror the spotless and...
“…the Lord taught that the purity that the Jewish Law sought to preserve does not come from outside ourselves. It comes from the inside,...
Kingdom of God/Heaven
“The mystery of the Kingdom of God is made known to a heart that asks, that seeks, that knocks. It is a heart that has returned to the...
Following Christ
“…becoming Christ’s disciple does not originate with us…We are always free to answer yes or no, but Christ initiates…Following Christ is...
“In the Christian (or post-Christian) West, declaring death in battle to be a sacrifice necessarily links it to Christ’s archetypical...
“That first human sin was about turning away from God. He had explicitly told Adam and Eve not to eat of that tree, and yet they did it...
“Christ brings to an end all the divisions which have separated humans…Christ brings together all things (symbol [symbolos]) bringing to...
Christian Life
“…to grow in the faith and to mature in our Christian life, we need to “turn aside” from our thoughtless and superficial way of life. We...