Eyes of God
“The eyes of the LORD. That they are in every place watching everything chills those who do evil and comforts those who submit to Him…The...
“Careless words can make a fool out of us, so we are wise to think before we speak…Many proverbs praise people who speak carefully and...
“Mary's faithful response is that of highest obedience to God. The Incarnation is not only the work of God, but it involves the free...
“No human actions, no matter how good or noble they may seem, can earn eternal life, for it is only through the grace and love of God...
Worldview (Changing the World)
“The world here [1 John 2:15-16] is creation after the fall and under the dominion of Satan. It is creation no longer oriented toward...
“Shall I not punish them for these things? The Hebrew word translated punish (Jeremiah 9:9), literally meaning “to visit,” can be used of...
“Paul underscores Christ's willingness to share in our weakness, when he writes, "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to...
“We will ultimately all suffer setbacks—probably many of them. The difference between faith (salvation) and no faith (condemnation) is...
“If you are a scholar, a student in any educational establishment, or an official in some ministry, an officer in any of the branches of...
“It is important to note that the first two times Christ inquires of Peter, “Do you love Me?” He uses a form of the word agape, which...