“How often do we anticipate some really bad things: crosses that may happen in our lives? It is the real 'crosses' in our lives that we...
“Real hardness of heart, in the Bible use of the phrase, means stubbornness of will…A hardened heart is useless as a hardened lump of...
“The Greek word rendered “jealous” is the origin of the English word “zeal.” It means “jealous,” but also means “to strive after,”...
“In the hours of difficulty and doubt, in times of sadness and tragedy, and when it seemed that what I had to offer as a young man and...
Suffering (Comfort and Salvation)
“The source of afflictions is the sin of humanity. The purpose of afflictions, if we use them properly, may be our comfort and salvation,...
Attacks (Spiritual)
“The devil accuses the righteous before God “day and night” (Rev 12:10). With God's permission, he pummels our minds with evil thoughts...
Divine Judgement
“The time for us to entreat repose is now. We are to prepare for the end of this life by making our beds well so that we may rest in joy....
“Enlightenment from God in itself is beyond all words, and even beyond evaluation by other men (1 Cor 2:15). Nevertheless, the Holy...
Truth (Revealed and Concealed)
“The mysteries of the kingdom are not merely obscure concepts or some religious truths only for the elite, nor is the understanding of...
Contain and Containment
“Acts 17:28 reads “for in Him we live and move and have our being.” Romans 11:36 reads, “For of Him and through Him and to Him are all...