Obedience (as it relates to Faith and Healing)
“The meaning of the Greek word for obey (hupakouo) begins with the idea of listening attentively…A mature follower of Jesus is always...
“There is a relationship between sin and death. Sin causes death, and the fear of death leads one to sin and thus to bondage, Christ sets...
“If you do good, you must do it only for God. For this reason you must pay no attention to the ingratitude of people. Expect a reward not...
Mercy (Unrecognized)
“The people of Bethsaida were unbelieving (Mt 11:21); thus, Jesus leads the blind man out of the town to heal him, so that the people...
Completeness (Being Made Complete)
“made perfect. This phrase means “made complete.” (Foundation Study bible, Hebrew 11:40) “The road to perfection is not through efforts...
“ ‘Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His...
Grace (of the Holy Spirit)
“Man of himself is powerless to fulfill God’s commandments, wherefore it is said, ‘Ask, and it shall be given you’ (Mt. 7:7). And we if...
Suffering as a Gift
“Suffering not only bears witness to others...but also can serve to increase our faith. Suffering is a gift from Christ, as is faith: it...
“How often do we anticipate some really bad things: crosses that may happen in our lives? It is the real 'crosses' in our lives that we...
“Real hardness of heart, in the Bible use of the phrase, means stubbornness of will…A hardened heart is useless as a hardened lump of...