Giving and Receiving
“ ‘So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)....
Ministering and Ministry
“Everyone who lives in this body knows that he must be committed to that special task or ministry to which he has given himself in this...
“Redemption has a technical meaning relative to the freeing of slaves. Here, the bondage is to sins; the act of releasing is forgiveness;...
“When our Lord reads Isaiah (Isaiah 61:1-2), He declares its prophecy fulfilled: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, / Because He has...
“We must avoid at all costs competitive comparisons of each other's deeds…To be judgmental is to point out something that is wrong in...
“The indwelling of the Holy Spirit…is God’s ultimate gift to every true Christian. The Holy Spirit is an inestimable divine endowment...
Fear of God
“With supernatural authority, Christ our God rebukes the wind and calms the sea (Mark 4:39). He intends to awaken his disciples from...
“The first evangelist was Jesus Christ. He is still the model. He set the standard for all evangelists. We read in Luke 4:18 how the Lord...
Heart (Losing Heart)
“ ‘Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart’ (2 Corinthians 4:1). In the face of...
“This passage holds great hope for the Christian ministry. “Who is sufficient for these things?” (2 Corinthians 2:16) — the one who...