“…salvation is something plainly visible – salvation can be seen by all humans. Salvation is thus not merely a theological concept or...
“God’s love is without bias or favor and is not subject to influence. He loves each person He has created without taint of partiality...
Weak Faith
“Those who have strong faith can follow their conscience before God and avoid sin. According to St. John Chrysostom, those who are weak...
“Christians must simultaneously engage the world around them (an invasion) and be aloof from it (a retreat). A believer plants one foot...
“When the disciples first heard Christ say “Follow Me,” they were doing their daily work as fishermen. Let us not think that His calling...
“To be meek means to be gentle and kind, to be empty of all selfishness and earthly ambition. It means, in a word, never to return evil...
“In the Church of Christ, there is only one priesthood and one sacrifice. It is the priesthood of Jesus and the sacrifice of the Cross....
“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the...
“…repentance does not fundamentally mean to feel guilty about our past sins, nor even merely to cease from sinning in the future....
“We prefer lies over truth, darkness instead of light, and truth only in small measure. The famous movie line “you can’t handle the...