“Who hasn’t experienced that indescribable sweet inner pleasure that our heart feels when we manage, with God’s aid, to help another get...
“Everything is paradox, and we throw ourselves upon the mercy of God… as Grace increases in our lives, we become more like Christ through...
Awareness (of God's Presence)
“But if we have food and clothing, with these let us be content” (1 Tim. 6:8).8 The Lord is always showering His gifts on us, but often...
“Every human being is unique and has unique physical and mental properties. The demons try to find an individual approach to everyone,...
Work (Sacredness of)
“It was said to mankind in the person of Adam: In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread (Gen. 3:19). Any work that we do every day,...
Meaning of Life
“The distinction between things that are Caesar's and things that are God's does not imply the division of a believer's life into the...
Light of Christ
“Over and over again, St. John emphasizes that because Jesus Christ is the God-man, He reveals most perfectly what God is like and what...
“…because Jesus Christ is the Truth, Ultimate Truth is personal, and not simply statements of facts, or other kinds of ideas or...
God's Nature/Our Nature
“He is the all.” This verse declares the great truth of God's supreme omnipresence. He permeates everything, but also transcends...
“In literature and in art, we call the inversion of two elements a “chiasm,” from the Greek letter Chi (Χ) that can be physically traced...