Withdrawal from God
“He who withdraws from communing the Sacred Mysteries, causes God himself to withdraw from him…When we turn from Him, God effectively...
“Samuel's acuity in spiritual hearing came because he was a man prayerfully attuned to the Lord… The saints of all ages are persons whose...
Bad Things Happening
“Prayer is the way to experience a powerful confidence that God is handling our lives well, that our bad things will turn out for good,...
“…the Church is justified as being greater than the Law, for the Law does not know the forgiveness of sins, nor the mystery in which...
Spiritual Dimension
“Jeremiah tried to warn King Zedekiah about the impending Babylon invasion and told him what he should do (Jer. 45:14-28 LXX/38:14-28)....
Eucharist / Holy Communion
“The Christian Faith is not philosophy, but rather communion with God…True Christianity raises the matter of community (communion) to an...
Eyes of God
“The eyes of the LORD. That they are in every place watching everything chills those who do evil and comforts those who submit to Him…The...
“Paul underscores Christ's willingness to share in our weakness, when he writes, "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to...
“We learn that the Lord’s own relatives do not believe that He is a prophet, much less God Incarnate: “For even His brothers did not...
“If you are a scholar, a student in any educational establishment, or an official in some ministry, an officer in any of the branches of...